Even with the pc that i had back in 2008 I was able to play GTA 4 with much better fps and graphics than the console version, let alone the pc that i have now...
So cry more you dirty console peasant...
Um I am mainly a pc gamer, your assumptions are showing your ignorance..
I was just pointing out how horribly optimized GTA4 was, and not to get your hopes up to that level of optimization, or performance.... Peasant? Blow it out your A$$.
Like I previously said, GTA IV =/= GTA V. I presume it will be better optimized this time because GTA IV was R*'s first attempt at a next gen GTA and the new engine; RAGE. Max Payne 3 showed us that they've matured the engine, and they know quite a lot about how to scale the game across millions of gaming PCs.As previously mentioned I realize this... :roll:
However, Its more logical to be weary about playing it at 2500x1600 maxed at 60fps. Especially because the last open world game they had come out couldn't even come close to a high res (at the time) maxed out with 60fps.
Like I said I would love to be proven wrong. But until it is out, we have their last open world game for pc to go by. Which I do believe is GTA 4.
I am not saying GTA 5 will perform horribly, I am stating that with the open world setting, taking into account their last venture... I am saying that don't be too disappointed if it doesn't perform as well as in the quoted statements that started this.
Max Payne 3 wasn't open world.
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