@HadOne2Many: interesting. very interesting. that is great rocksmith has provided a favorable learning avenue for you.
i bought my first guitar in 2005. i did most of my 'proper practice' from 2007 to 2009. these days i love picking up the guitar but don't pick it up much.
i have played a little bit of rocksmith, it's a good game and definitely teaches the songs accurately. i should play it more, as I do own it, and there are a bunch of good songs it could teach me, such as david bowie's rebel rebel.
one of the hardest things about learning guitar ... well, at least one of the things I found hard, was learning a song all the way through including the lead sections. nirvana's smells like teen spirit is an awesome song for a beginner to learn from start to finish, including the solo.
bush - machine head, that's a good fun simple song with no solo.
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