[QUOTE="stika"][QUOTE="Hexagon_777"][QUOTE="stika"]where i come from most girls dont even know what a "Wii" or "DS" or "nintendogs" areHexagon_777
Yet they know what the 360 and the PS3 are, amirite?
they do, but thats because the rights fot those are owned by microsoft Portugal and Sony Portugal respectivily, they now how NOT to treat a game system, in fact in here in terms of hardware sales the PSP is in 1º place followed by the PS3, then its the Wii (but guys are the ones buying it) then the 360 and lastly the DS
Is Portugal trying to be cool by trying to be different? Lol, just kidding. That sounds messed up when compared to the rest of the world, though. Especially the part about not knowing about the Wii. I mean, it seems that it's just sheer ignorance and nothing else.
well most people dont go to websites and forums right? i mean lets face it, as many people as IGN or gamespot has were still the minority so their not informed, another problem is the fact that they dont advertise nintendo.... at all.. add that to the hype fest sony threw here with the PSP and the PS3, and microsoft with Halo and look what happens
EDIT: Also the guys that have the rights to nintendo are such retards they actually boicoted the best-selling video games magazine in Portugal because they were givving low reviews to gamecube games and saying that in terms of sales and veriaty the gamecube was in last place when compared to the xbox and PS2, thats been going on for 3 years now
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