The person responsible for Wii U failure has passed yea its a new start..I will support NX console BUT not handheld though. Whether I will buy NX at launch will depends on how Nintendo present it. :P
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The person responsible for Wii U failure has passed yea its a new start..I will support NX console BUT not handheld though. Whether I will buy NX at launch will depends on how Nintendo present it. :P
After seeing the uproar at Nintendo's past E3 (which was largely caused by showing barely anything U related whatsoever), I think it can be safely surmised that many U owners are pissed off and feel disregarded and abandoned by Nintendo just so they can put their entire backing and attention to the NX.
It's not about what Nintendo has done or what games they've put out, but what they appear to be doing right now: hastily cutting their losses to move ahead, and in doing so, cutting right into the trust of those who expected their investment and that trust to be acknowledged.
Had Nintendo not done what they did at E3, I could see no reason for needing forgiveness. That they basically decided to snub their current console and its audience 3 years after release in such a fashion....well, people may not forgive, and they sure will not forget.
I'll never forgive those bastards!
Just kidding, it's all about the games for me. Give me some of those good ol' SNES-day RPGs and I'll buy your console in a second.
Yes I forgive them. Wii U wasn't as good as I hoped it would be, but it still has some of best Nintendo games I've ever played (Pikmin 3, MK8, Smash and Splatoon are all incredible). I've played the system for hundreds of hours and I can't really say the same for my PS4.
I'm definitely interested in the NX, but I'm going to see what it's like before throwing my money at it. Just hope Nintendo can get more third parties on board this time round.
I forgive Nintendo for not releasing Kirbys Return to Nightmare in Dreamland, my entitlement can wait, i got too many awesome Nintendo games to play then whine about it.
Normally when people start talking about what is American to them, baseball and apple pie are mentioned. Professional sports are a joke to me and I've never tasted apple pie. Although it is a Japanese company, Nintendo will always be "American" to me at least in terms of it being a way of life. I bought my first NES deluxe set in 1986 when JCPenney had an actual toy/game department in their stores. Sticking with Nintendo has been easy for the most part with the big exceptions being the GCN and Wii U days. I don't want a generation in which a Nintendo console is something I overlook but Nintendo is making it difficult. Being completely frank, if I could have made my money back on the console (Wii U) I would have sold it within the first year. The long drought in between big releases and the constant bull spewed by Nintendo have really tried my patience.
Depends what they are going to do with the NX, if it's another Wii U then forget it. It should be able to compete with PS5 and Nextbox, otherwise it's just a waste of money.
Edit:... and when I say compete, I mean getting the same 3rd party support they get, maybe not with the same graphical fidelity, but close to them at least.
Even though I'm playing a lot of Wii U right now, I can't 100 percent forgive NIntendo for the way they handled it. They had everything in place to be the number one system this gen, but they screwed it up on just about every level.
@SolidGame_basic: @SolidGame_basic: lol Nintendo gamers have a lot of patience. Coolyfett kinda feels bad for them sometime. How many times have they been pwned now? Wii, Wii U, 3DS? Now this new hybrid console that will again only featire 1st parties? Ha ha ha Nintendo is either pre mature or too late, they are NEVER on time and havent been since Generation 4.
@Coolyfett: I might pick one up for Uncharted 4, will see how that goes, I had a Ps3 all gen last time and am kind of sick of the Sony first party. I have a pc that I play most third party on.
I wish Nintendo responded to fans requests, the company just seems to be so closed, when interviewed any hard questions they just tip toe around it and give generic answers. What's happening with Zelda, 3d Mario, Metroid, a new President, what support will the WiiU and 3ds have in the coming years, fans just wait and wait and wait hoping to hear anything. Scraps being thrown from the table get blown up into a full 7 course meal on the internet because those scraps are literally all Nintendo feeds us, half the time there just rumors.
@sailor232: ohhhh so you are already a PlayStation gamer?? Figured you were only on Nintendo. Your main console now is Wii U?
My main console now is an Xbox One, I have a WiiU and 3ds since launch, I have been a Nintendo fanboy in the past but have moved past that with a mixture of age and Nintendo dicking everyone over. My main system to play on is Pc, has been since around 2002.
Well since the Wii I am trusting Nintendo less and less much like Ubisoft I will still buy systems/games that I'm interested in but I am more and more leery of what they offer...I will not be buying the Nintendo NX day-one, thanks to Nintendo's screw-ups I found my new platform of choice: Playstation.
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