im not talkin about gameplay as im sure mario galaxy nailed it, but im talkin about next gen graphics something mario galaxy an nintendo didnt' have to improve at all on cept for some new shiny glows on the stars this is on par with the cube graphical capability
other developers have to actually work much ahrder to get graphics to next gen on the ps3 nintendo go to sit back an reuse the same graphics from there cube games and didn't even add any good multiplayer or extra fluff like yoshi that ppl would expect on other next gen systems
what exactly did nintendo do with all that free time they saved on usin the same crappy graphics from the cube cuz im lookin at it an not seeing any huge innovation, i mean gimme a break the wii mote collects items is that really next gen control that looks so gimmicky an do a little spin move come on now even okami did better then that with the ps2 controllers
anyway i still think ppl who pay 250 for a wii aren't the smartest fish in the sea an i bought n64 which i thought was awesome so i was a ninty fanboy back then but then i saw how dumb they were an didnt buy a cube an have no plans for a wii
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