and thats all that really needs to be said
7.5 games are not worthy of discussion here in system wars
actually rache an clank is a triple A title on gamrankin's plz step outside
why dont u go play more carppy wii ports an bad games like cookin mama an wii fit let the serious gamers talk in here
:lol: this cow's furious! :lol:
the wii has more AAA exclusives than the PS3......more AA exclusives too
i know it burns, but next time please try not to let your anger get the best of you....its not a good look
PS3 games ARE UNDERRATED. Go to 1up , GamePro , Gametrailers , Gamespy , IGN etc. and the PS3 HAS AAA TITLES.
Ps- to all you lemmings , how does it feel to get OWNED by the PS2.
360 - 15 million units in 2 years (2005-2007 sales )
PS2 - 15 million units in 1 year and its last gen (2006 sales )
Looks like our little calve is OWNING
rules of system wars = only gamespot scores count
those are the rules here.....don't like it? then go somewhere else. its simple.
and please, bringing up last gen consoles is a sign of desperation. this gen is a whole new game, and right now the PS3 is in last place - in both sales and exclusive critical success. bringing up what happened in the past is just damage control.
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