@ManInFlames said:
Loving all of the asshurt from closet lems. "Buh buh teh cows hurt my feeweeings!!!!!" "They teh worstz!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!1!!!!"
Yes, because "hurting my feeweeings" and literally threatening someone's life is totally equivalent. Fucking moron.
I've read through this forum off and on for over a decade. I only actively posted at two points in that time period. That said, there does seem to be a hierarchy of how fanatical, or downright insane/scary, the respective fanboys are. .
Nintendo fans tend to be better. Usually they just like their games and defend them against everyone else calling them "immature, cartoony, re-hash, childrens's games" or something to that effect. They are practically absent now though because Nintendo really has lost steam in recent years but in the N64 period, the fought with the best of them. In fairness, it does seem like Nintendo has made fewer games for that core gamer audience in recent years and instead adopted a whole family approach to more approachable, "fun" games.
PC gamers are the most arrogant. It's the most expensive form of gaming (stop the argument, it is) and thus, it obviously has to be the best and anyone who disagrees is an ignorant "peasant". Lol, those "master gaming race" pics are pretty funny though.
M$ fans are the "new kids on the block", for obvious reasons. After Sega departed the console market, gamers as a whole are actually VERY lucky that another company stepped in to fill the void. Competition is good, more competition is better. Usualy attacks they fight against are along the lines of "M$ only cares about teh monies, my company cares about ME!!!!" or something equally absurd. Early mistakes were made by the company, especially that RROD design error with the 360, but M$, to their credit, did replace 360s for almost any reason. I had two replacement 360s given to me. Also, too much focus on FPS games and cross exclusives with the PC was a legitimate critique from time to time. This round, M$ took a "multimedia machine" approach instead of a purely gaming approach. Whether this will in fact make the games worse, as some are claiming, or actually be very successful, will be seen later.
Then we have Sony fanboys. Yes, from everything I've read over the past 11-12 years, Sony fanboys simply take it to another level. Make no mistake, there are fanatacial, absurd fanboys for ALL gaming devices, but the average amount of venom spewed by a Sony fanboy is simply more intense than others. Put it this way, I still remember the names of Sony fanboys from over a decade ago. Anyone here when Billy the Kid was a poster? There are notable others as well. After a few period of not visiting this forum for years, I still remember them. Can't say that about other fanboy varieties. Why are some of them so absurd? I honestly don't know lol.
Just for reference, I decided to count up the front page of SW for reference. The majority of threads were neutral information/question threads not really implying a superiority to any console. 1 thread was PC fanboy attack thread. 1 thread was Nintendo fanboy attack thread. 4.5 threads were M$ fanboy attack threads (couldn't determine if one thread was fanboyish or not). 8 threads were Sony fanboy attack threads.
I haven't been to NeoGaf, but I've heard it's more Sony dominated than Gamespot even. Sounds scary, lol.
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