@ajstyles said:
I paid $1700 CAD for the best laptop available in Canada in sept 2019.
The PS5 will equal or demolish it. I have no doubt about it. It’s crazy what Sony and Microsoft is offering us.
And according to steam, it will demolish 99% of your guys rigs. So lol
Laptops aren't for gaming. I know some people do it, but it's not the optimal PC experience.
Consoles simply can't replicate a proper PC setup. My main gaming rig runs three screens, is routed through a 90's-era Pioneer rack sound system via optical, boots into a custom-cut Gentoo Linux environment maxing out at about 700MB of RAM usage and also dual-boots to Windows 10 if a game just has to have it...
In the basement I have my flight sim system set up with an LCD projector on a curved solid surface with an adaptive lens. Rudder pedals, force-feedback HOTAS (and I don't mean rumble, I mean motorized pulling of the joystick against your efforts), working analog dashboard (for IL2:Sturmovik) and radio break-out. Also, I got a butt rumbler on the chair because nothing beats constipation like the low frequency rumble of an HE-111 at cruise.
I got a VR PC system in the basement, too. I'm not happy with it because it doesn't fit over my glasses well, and I have to go to the optometrist to get a prescription for the lenses I need to go in the headset. Guess who isn't seeing people during this plaque?
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