Basically a fraud who pretends to be a pc gamer but actually barely plays games.
Having said that, one of the lulzest things ever is watching a PC Gamer boast about a better console port, of a genre that was once inherently PC focused.
Or a PC Gamer who boasts about pc games, then just steals games, then complains when they get riddled with DRM, then rails against DRM thinking they are Robin Hood or something.
Or a PC Gamer who pretend games aren't console focused.
Or a PC Gamer who pretends Metro isn't just Call Of Duty underground, with linear scripted movies directly taking Call Of Duty's DNA.
Or a PC Gamer who gets upset when god-tier graphics PC game actually doesn't look that good compared to a console game with much better presentation on lower specs.
Or pc gamers who desperately seek validation by waving some spec, some tiny little bit of hope in peoples faces to feel good about being superior, when most folk don't care, and reality will probably end up being very different.
Still better than Nintendo fans though.
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