God, everywhere I look the media are going crazy about motion sensative controls, touch screens and other fancy control systems. However, I can't help but feel, is it needed?
For example, the whole world is going mad for touch screens. In the context of a phone it works quite well, but it scares me when I see MS talking about new computers based almost entirely around touching. It seems to me that things that used to take a single mouse click or a small movement of the wrist, now require me to throw my hands around like a deranged monkey.
The Wii is the obvious example. What used to be accomplished with a few quick button presses now requires the aforementioned monkey man approach.
And even the PS3 is in on it, with the bloody sixaxis controllers. No longer can I plant a bomb by pressing "o", I have to turn the controller to the right, click R1/L1, turn to the left, press R1/L1... IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN?? Am I supposed to be impressed???
Please, for the love of god... if it aint broke, don't fix it!
Oh, and if anyone says the Wii uses motion controls brilliantly, I would encourage you to go and play Tomb Raider and attempt to perform the legendary ""Adrenaline Dodge"- never have I got so annoyed with a game
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