@storm_of_swords: I strongly disagree with most of your points.
4th generation is still my favourite, but i'm conscious that nostalgia has alot to do with that. Lots of free time, no responsibilities, and was lucky to own a Megadrive, Snes and Amiga 500.
The point is that i have replayed most of my favourite 16bit games and they are not that special anymore. That's because Axiom Verge, Dust an Elysian Tail, Shovel Knight, Inside, Helldivers, Rogue Legacy, Nex Machina, and dozens of other equally good games happened in between.
I recently replayed Another World, one of my favourite games of all time and a game i remembered being fairily long. Well, i just realised that its campaign lasts 15 minutes, and there's no extra modes or higher difficulty levels. Do you honestly think that a 15 minute game would pass at 60 dollars today? Our standards are much higher now, and most people don't realise that.
Ok, that may be an extreme example, but most games didn't last more than one hour (Castlevanias, Marios, Sonics, Streets of Rage, R-Type, Ghouls'n Ghosts, etc, etc). Go check, there are lots of playthrough on the net. They were challenging, but giving you 5 lives and 3 credits, forcing you play the game multiple times, is not necessarily a better solution to increase difficulty. That's all we used to have , so of course we loved it.
Like you said bad games still exist, but they are not 'everywhere'. Again, today people say that a game is bad because 'the campaign lasts only 8 hours and there's no multiplayer', or because 'the main character is ugly'.
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