@mjorh: it's not so much that the Witchers flow bothers me, more than that I've generally not enjoyed the much slower pace of bigger open world rpgs and the constant management that goes into them lately.
The older I get, the more responsibility I carry in life, the less time I have to game changes my perspective on what I can tolerate and what I cannot. The Witcher isn't a good game, it's a freakin amazing game of which I'll judge further rpg's on... Including Andromeda. The difference is where I once played Knights of the Old Republic as a post graduate with no major responsibilities outside of work, I had hundreds of hours of free time to play with the perfect crystal combinations and develop my crews into an unstoppable war machine. In 2016 with 2 kids 3 different sports teams, work (though now I'm on summer vacation), a lawn that needs mowing, bills that need paying... Etc, having two hours to game and playing the Witcher is a different experience...
It isn't uncommon after an hour to say, well, I completed two quests, set up my inventory with my new finds and sat through 30 minutes of cut scenes, dialog and fast travel loading screens, but I only engaged in combat twice. Sometimes after a session I realize I never actually fought anyone at all, just furthered a bunch of narrative.
This is a game I have a high opinion of too! Point is, even great games have to hold water in my gaming life at this point. Bad games don't stand a chance.
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