No, I wouldnt care, id be happy for the developers. Used games are worse than piracy, a used game sale IS a lost sale for the company that owns it. It will also stop companies lending games out that dont belong to them and then charging for it ( ie. rentals ).
Don't you realise that many of the stores your'll buy from will go out of business, game rental shops will cease to exist, 1000's will be out of there jobs with no other work to go into, due to the lack of jobs already. no offence but there being greedy, to have a used game means that someone in the first place has bought it new, and it is theres to do what they want with it, if they stop the used games then that is our freedom to sell on what we have bought which makes it that we are pretty much only renting it ourselves, which is greed. the only hingthe should do is charge for the online parts of games, they cannot charge people for playing a second hand offline game.
think about it if they start charging people to have to get activation codes to play the game, then no one will want to buy off someone due to already having to pay another fee on top, which means second hand games will have to come down in price, they need to find a happey medium, otherwise there putting alot of people at risk in losing there jobs.
second hand cars are a massive business, you don't see the main car dealers kicking up a fuss do you. plus second hand games at the moment are ok, seriously back in the days of the amiga or the commadore all it ever was, were copied games, they were on floppy discs and cassettes lol, i don't see why there so bothered now it was worse then.
I dont buy from stores, stores stopped catering to my needs a long time ago when they started cashing in on used games and making 100% profit from software products that someone else spent time, money and effort to make. I am fully aware of how they will go out of business and i dont care. Its a hole they dug too deep to get out of and its about time they fell in it.
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