I'll be honest, when I buy a game on GoG, I do take great satisfaction knowing that I can actually put that installer on a USB stick or external hard drive or what have you and essentially "own" it.
But no, I don't really care if I don't "own" a game. Most gamers don't really revisit practically all their games, ever (there are exceptions of course for favorites), and honestly the only thing we lose out on with digital is resale, and frankly that's not a big enough of a deal to get upset about. The advantages of digital far far far outweigh the negatives.
My only fear is that when the dust settles from the "store wars"--that is, every publisher having their own digital storefront, and withholding games from other ones--there will just be too much going on and instead of a handful of really successful marketplaces that have rock-solid foundations and excellent service, we instead get dozens of shaky stores and poor service. If GoG and Steam were the only digital storefronts that existed for the rest of my life, I'd be OK with that.
But no no no, everyone wants a piece of that pie. So now we have EA Origin. And Ubisoft's UPlay. And Epic Game Store. And whatever Ubisoft has. Wonder when 2K will do their thing.
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