In terms of showing what VR can do: yes. some of the criticisms it will inevitably get (no game is perfect) will also probably stem from some inherent limits in current VR tech (how will they deal with player movement? That will be interesting to see. In most VR games i have played player movement has been a bit rough.).
But i think it will be one of the big go to game for showing off what VR can really do.
Will it tempt more people at looking into getting VR? well the index kit is now back up to the top selling item on steam last i checked. so it is having some impact. Judging by even the negative reactions: well people are thinking about VR more again.
The price of entry is still not trivial though and it is giving people pause. At the lower to mid end you are looking at the price of a console just for the headset and controller AND you need a good PC to back it up (for HL:A anyway). It's good that valve have not tied this exclusively to the index. Hell i wouldn't be surprised to see a Port to the PS5/PSVR2 and maybe even release it on the oculus store at some point.
VR needs some big hitters though. I think valve know they probably wont make much money off alyx (at least in terms of direct sales). but VR, like any form of gaming, is still governed by the one universal truth: software, not specs, sell hardware. VR needs system sellers. Not many are going to buy VR just for VR...they need a compelling reason to buy it.
If this and valves other games deliver then it's going to make people sit up and take notice. They may cry and scream and swear and complain that its VR exclusive but, in the end, they will suck it up and take the plunge if the compelling content is there.
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