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I'm pretty sure they did have a firewall.
Just a massively flawed one.
EDIT: Do I forgive them? No. But I place more blame on the people who actually did it in the first place.
I don't care. Stuff like this happens all the time to other corporations so I don't know why Sony would be any different? Obviously once its done you have to go back and rework on what you would do differently.
I couldn't play online, but beyond that it didn't affect me at all. Didn't use credit cards, passwords were changed, etc, etc. I forgive them this time, but it better be one hell of a wakeup call to them,
I don't forgive or forget 8)
seriously i always forgot about the hack until someone brings it back up again
Wasn't the main problem that their mysql entries were storing passwords in plaintext?JigglyWiggly_
The passwords were in hashed form, though.
Yes. It could (and has) have happened to any company including Microsoft, Nintendo, EA and Valve. Sony was specifically targeted.
I had no problem uploading my CC information as soon as I had access to the store, and if the same were to happen to Nintendo or Microsoft I still would have no problem with it. They handled the situation properly by providing theft detection services just in case and I still have yet to play the two games I got for free.
Your CC information isn't safe ANYWHERE, and its best to monitor transactions on your own or have alert services set up just in case.
Wasn't the main problem that their mysql entries were storing passwords in plaintext?JigglyWiggly_
lol @mysql
They messed up. I got over it. They handled everything accordingly after the fact. I don't blame them for their actions that lead to this, I blame the people directly responsible (who suck). They messed up, but they owned it, handled it, and admitted to it. I don't know what I would've done differently. I don't like standing up for the mega corporations but nobody's lives were ruined by a lack of online for a month.
I'm pretty sure they did have a firewall.
Just a massively flawed one.
EDIT: Do I forgive them? No. But I place more blame on the people who actually did it in the first place.
Pretty much this.[QUOTE="Tony-Baxter"]Amazing how we live in the year 2011 and Sony (OF ALL COMPANIES) didn't even have a firewall up on the internet.AzatiSMan , hackers ATTEMPTING hacking pentagon and NASAs multimillion firewalls and net security... i mean seriously..come on... Dont troll
i can't blame them for not knowing what they are doing.
sony only heard of the internet 3 or 4 years ago.
It happend and you cant do much about it. It didint hurt me in the end. I didint lose anything and I still got to play my games.
No, and I won't forgive the Hacker either considering it's been like 5 years since the system Launched and THEN someone decides to Hack Sony's Systems? and During a Time where they were having Legal Disputes with some dude that jailbreaks stuff for a living?
I like Sony's Games and the PS3, but 1 they should have had better security and 2 it should never have happened in the first place.
Anyway, Online is up now still so to just be done with it, I forgive Sony a little bit, but We should really just Forget about it and Move On.
Umm...I'm pretty sure Sony had a firewall up, probably not the best one, bu they probably had one I'm sure.
But to answer your question, not really. I mean the way Sony handled the hack was terrible, they waited an enitire week before they said what was going on, and they waited until the week was over before they told us about mabey having our information comprimised, that was STUPID! Plus they kept bringing out false info on there PS Blog, for instance first they released a statement that said "were just doing some scheduled maintenence, be back tomorrow" well tomorrow rolls around and they say "still doing some maintenance, tomorrow it will be up" and it just kept going and going....
With all that being said, while yes I do put some of the blame on Sony, it ultimately falls on the hackers. Sony shares some of the blame sure, but the majority of it is the hackers fault. I hope nothing like this ever happens again, and I hope it never happens to anyone else either. That's why I encourage everyone, wether they play on PSN or xbox Live or whatever, to change there password on a regular basis. Has xbox live been hacked? no and I hope it never does, but you be really naive to belive it's invincible to one. If some people really wanted to and were dedicated enough, they could hack xbox live.
Like I said I hope it never happens, and I'm not trying to scare anyone. But I see too many people thinking that they don't have to be cautious about their information on xbox live because they think it's invincible. Sorry but it isn't and that's why you need to take precautions just in case. In this day and age you can never really be too careful, especially with personal info...
I think this is the first post you made that you didnt kiss Sony's a$$, you were being honest.Umm...I'm pretty sure Sony had a firewall up, probably not the best one, bu they probably had one I'm sure.
But to answer your question, not really. I mean the way Sony handled the hack was terrible, they waited an enitire week before they said what was going on, and they waited until the week was over before they told us about mabey having our informationcomprimised, that was STUPID! Plus they kept bringing out false info on there PS Blog, for instance first they released a statement that said "were just doing some scheduled maintenence, be back tomorrow" well tomorrow rolls around and they say "still doing some maintenance, tomorrow it will be up" and it just kept going and going....
With all that being said, while yes I do put some of the blame on Sony, it ultimately falls on the hackers. Sony shares some of the blame sure, but the majority of it is the hackers fault. I hope nothing like this ever happens again, and I hope it never happens to anyone else either. That's why I encourage everyone, wether they play on PSN or xbox Live or whatever, to change there password on a regular basis. Has xbox live been hacked? no and I hope it never does, but you be really naive to belive it's invincible to one. If some people really wanted to and were dedicated enough, they could hack xbox live.
Like I said I hope it never happens, and I'm not trying to scare anyone. But I see too many people thinking that they don't have to be cautious about their information on xbox live because they think it's invincible. Sorry but it isn't and that's why you need to take precautions just in case. In this day and age you can never really be too careful, especially with personal info...
[QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]I think this is the first post you made that you didnt kiss Sony's a$$, you were being honest.Umm...I'm pretty sure Sony had a firewall up, probably not the best one, bu they probably had one I'm sure.
But to answer your question, not really. I mean the way Sony handled the hack was terrible, they waited an enitire week before they said what was going on, and they waited until the week was over before they told us about mabey having our informationcomprimised, that was STUPID! Plus they kept bringing out false info on there PS Blog, for instance first they released a statement that said "were just doing some scheduled maintenence, be back tomorrow" well tomorrow rolls around and they say "still doing some maintenance, tomorrow it will be up" and it just kept going and going....
With all that being said, while yes I do put some of the blame on Sony, it ultimately falls on the hackers. Sony shares some of the blame sure, but the majority of it is the hackers fault. I hope nothing like this ever happens again, and I hope it never happens to anyone else either. That's why I encourage everyone, wether they play on PSN or xbox Live or whatever, to change there password on a regular basis. Has xbox live been hacked? no and I hope it never does, but you be really naive to belive it's invincible to one. If some people really wanted to and were dedicated enough, they could hack xbox live.
Like I said I hope it never happens, and I'm not trying to scare anyone. But I see too many people thinking that they don't have to be cautious about their information on xbox live because they think it's invincible. Sorry but it isn't and that's why you need to take precautions just in case. In this day and age you can never really be too careful, especially with personal info...
lol calm down man, no reason to hate me bro ;)
I've gotten over it. I didn't lose any money and those who did were compensated. I just hope Sony improved their security after that disaster.
As a Computer Scientist myself I know how few effort they put into their system so no, I don't forgive them that it happened, but I'm sure they learned a lesson and work hard on it from now on, so I guess I'm save using Sony products
Sony didn't lose my info, someone took it, even if i leave my car door open it doesn't give someone the right to take my cd player and hence make it my fault, it was still theft.JohnF111
So if you lend me your car, I leave the door white open and somebody steals you Cd Player you wouldn't blame me?
[QUOTE="JohnF111"]Sony didn't lose my info, someone took it, even if i leave my car door open it doesn't give someone the right to take my cd player and hence make it my fault, it was still theft.ArchoNils2
So if you lend me your car, I leave the door white open and somebody steals you Cd Player you wouldn't blame me?
Terrible analogy as you're equating a car you own to an account you've made on PSN, and the person holding your car door open is responsible for just that car while Sony is responsible for millions of users' accounts.Please Log In to post.
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