and prolly to other poor devs?
this poster does :(
EDIT: the link to the whole mess
Silicon Knights Sues Epic Games
This topic is locked from further discussion.
and prolly to other poor devs?
this poster does :(
EDIT: the link to the whole mess
Silicon Knights Sues Epic Games
No. I would, but SK asks for too much.
All of the profit from Gears of War is just a ridiculous request.
Nope, because they produce games like:
Gears of War
And their engine is used in games like:
Mass Effect
feel free to add to the list
but aren't a little pissed that all the games that are working on the UE3 engine are getting delayed and this might prolly be the problem?
Could I get a link of the situation?
Sorry, I was late to the party. :oops:
oops sorry for not providing it :P
Silicon Knights Sues Epic Games
Pffft. Silicon Knights are 2bit, 2nd string devs. They have nothing on Epic studios.
Too Human, thus far, just looks like a game with clunky animations, gauntlet style play, and a rip off of both God of war and devil may cry, oh but with a trilogy set, and a 80-100,000,000 $ budget for the trilogy.
bioshock, lost odyssey.Nope, because they produce games like:
Gears of War
And their engine is used in games like:
Mass Effect
feel free to add to the list
[QUOTE="Slyprince"]bioshock, lost odyssey.Nope, because they produce games like:
Gears of War
And their engine is used in games like:
Mass Effect
feel free to add to the list
rainbowsix vegas
[QUOTE="LastSamurai14"][QUOTE="Slyprince"]bioshock, lost odyssey.Nope, because they produce games like:
Gears of War
And their engine is used in games like:
Mass Effect
feel free to add to the list
rainbowsix vegas
as of yet NOT ONE OF THOSE look as good as GeoW and that's the main issue!! it's like every one of those games have different looks, so maybe that's true... that every dev had to upgrade the engine themselves and that Epic didn't totally share the tech behind Gears
[QUOTE="LastSamurai14"][QUOTE="Slyprince"]bioshock, lost odyssey.Nope, because they produce games like:
Gears of War
And their engine is used in games like:
Mass Effect
feel free to add to the list
rainbowsix vegas
lol people let's stop listing games and discuss the matter... plz read my previous 3 posts -_-"
i hated that my fav games (based on UE3) getting delayed... i sure hope Epic win this battle...
oh and btw add Last Remnant to that list :P
I don't want to side with either developer until the court case is settled, but I am more inclined to trust Silicon Knights. Smaller studio, less money to pay legal fees, they don't seem like the type to come up with a frivolous lawsuit. Just like Dennis Dyack (head of SK) says, they want to be making games, not suing Epic. Whereas Epic are a big company, with a great reputation, they're more likely to think they can screw over small devs.
And when you think about it, a lot of the other licensees of the UE3 may not be complaining because they were too big and Epic didn't dare pull the same s*** on them. Bioware for example is much bigger than SK. Also I think Last Remnant has UE3, and of course Square Enix are huge.
Then again, parts of SK's accusations sound a little...babyish. In particular, the bit where they claim Too Human was glitchy at E3 because there was an evil conspiracy to make Gears look better.
I don't want to side with either developer until the court case is settled, but I am more inclined to trust Silicon Knights. Smaller studio, less money to pay legal fees, they don't seem like the type to come up with a frivolous lawsuit. Just like Dennis Dyack (head of SK) says, they want to be making games, not suing Epic. Whereas Epic are a big company, with a great reputation, they're more likely to think they can screw over small devs.
And when you think about it, a lot of the other licensees of the UE3 may not be complaining because they were too big and Epic didn't dare pull the same s*** on them. Bioware for example is much bigger than SK. Also I think Last Remnant has UE3, and of course Square Enix are huge.
Then again, parts of SK's accusations sound a little...babyish. In particular, the bit where they claim Too Human was glitchy at E3 because there was an evil conspiracy to make Gears look better.
WOW awesome analysis... hats off
I love epic even more, I'm going to buy 2 copies of Unreal 3 when its released just becuase of this :)SiBaba
lol because of what? crushing a small talented dev like SK?
SK on this one.
Sorry Epic, I may have bought almost all the UT series from you, and also have Gears, but that's just sad. I'm seeing the dots myself and it's just upsetting to see a dev like this screwing over another dev just to make them look better. That's business for you, I guess.
There is no reason Too Human should look that bad, and if you guys must know, SK aren't at the least bit "bad devs". I mean, Too Human on the PS1 was about to have pre-rendered CG cutscenes just like FF VIII had, but if they had released it then they would have been bashed for copying FF, which was quite a technological feat in itself.
And with their "Engagement Theory", there is no way they'd be crap with technology. Would totally contradict what they're trying to do.
I agree SK are a little "out there", but I like their direction in games. Much better than Epic's "Look sexy first, game play later" that I'm seeing with Gears.
SK wants Epic to surrender all profits made from Gears of War, it says so in the gamespot article...Call me crazy, but that doesn't sound really fair...SpaceDragonMan
Yeah, it's kinda not.
I'm not well versed in law and order, but don't people accuse for ridiculous sums of money, so they just get sufficient money in the end? I don't think they ever get the amount they want.
Unless people are really stupid. Apparently there was this judge who took some poor laundromat owner to court because his pants weren't cleaned to his liking. Sued the poor guy for 50,000 dollars or something. In the end he had to pay money to the laundromat owner for the cost of his lawyer and wasting everyone's time :lol:
SK on this one.
Sorry Epic, I may have bought almost all the UT series from you, and also have Gears, but that's just sad. I'm seeing the dots myself and it's just upsetting to see a dev like this screwing over another dev just to make them look better. That's business for you, I guess.
There is no reason Too Human should look that bad, and if you guys must know, SK aren't at the least bit "bad devs". I mean, Too Human on the PS1 was about to have pre-rendered CG cutscenes just like FF VIII had, but if they had released it then they would have been bashed for copying FF, which was quite a technological feat in itself.
And with their "Engagement Theory", there is no way they'd be crap with technology. Would totally contradict what they're trying to do.
I agree SK are a little "out there", but I like their direction in games. Much better than Epic's "Look sexy first, game play later" that I'm seeing with Gears.
You know that everything that SK said are still allegations right? They are jet to be proven true, so why dont you wait for the court to take place before you act like "underdog" is always right and the Rich commercial companies are evil...
I' not surprised in the least, I do think of Epic a bit less now, not that they were a top-tier dev in my eyes to begin with.
Blizzard FTW
Bungie FTW
Squeenix FTW
Bioware FTW
Nintendo FTW
The way i see it, dennis dyack has blamed everyone but his mother for his failures on TooHuman.
this is most likely an attempt to either stall his publisher for more time, or stop his investors from pulling out their capitol...due to the fact he hasnt been able to turn water into wine like he claimed he owuld be able to. the reality is ...the game never looked that good in the first place.he would be suing ID if they provided the engine, becasue thats the kind of guy he is...
had he been making this game for 6 months, and said "woah...woah this engine is not what they promised me, im suing" that would be one thing but he signed on with UE3 in 2005.....almost 3 years ago! i mean come on..
ubisoft seems to have no problem
bioware seem to have no issues
EA is doing fine
the reality is dyack is trying to use a small companies budget to produce a big studio release....and it will not work.
"Too Human was originally in development for the PlayStation as a 5-disc action-adventure game. It was shown at E31999,[1] but shortly before its completion Nintendo announced an exclusive partnership with Silicon Knights, and the game was moved to the Nintendo GameCube in 2000. A teaser trailer was shown at SpaceWorld 2000 showing what appeared to be a re-building of the PlayStation game. The game never surfaced though, and the partnership between the two companies was ended. After this, the title was still thought to be in development for the GameCube, but those plans have since been canceled.
In the May 2005 issue of EGM, Silicon Knights announced a partnership with publisherMicrosoft to develop a trilogy revolving around the Too Human universe exclusively for the Xbox 360. The game was originally being developed using Epic Games' Unreal Engine 3, but is now being developed using an internal engine. On July 19, 2007 it was announced that Silicon Knights were suing Epic Games due to "inadequacies" of Unreal Engine 3"
dennis dyack was joke after he attacked the media for not "hyping too human" and he is now an even bigger joke....
My god, what is it with people? There's is no point in arguing who is right tor wrong yet, we know NOTHING expect these allegations from SK, so why doesn't everyone hold on their baseless and incorrect judgement on this case on which they have no knowledge about, until the case is settled and the judge makes his/her decision...SpaceDragonMan
Yeah. Also, SK is not as small as some people think.
The fact that epic made Gears of War is irrelevant. If they would have shared the working engine to their licensees, we as the gamers would be benefitted more. Gears would still be here, as well as several other great Unreal Engine games from other developers. I believe Silicon Knights and other affected developers deserve the profits from Gears, because as the press release reads, it was by their payments to Epic as licensees that Epic was able to make the game. Epic got ahead because it used the other developers while they fell behind. It leeched the lifeforce from these game developers so that it could make more money, money that should have been shared around.
bioware seem to have no issuesflood
Are you sure about that? What about all that framerate problems we have been seeing with Mass Effect?
[QUOTE="slothboyadvance"]No. I would, but SK asks for too much.
All of the profit from Gears of War is just a ridiculous request.
Three games so far have been released on Unreal 3
Gears of War
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Rainbow Six: Vegas looks no where near as good as Gears does, so I think SK could be on to something.
Are you sure that Gears was made with UE3 money? Last I heard, Gears was fully funded by Microsoft.The fact that epic made Gears of War is irrelevant. If they would have shared the working engine to their licensees, we as the gamers would be benefitted more. Gears would still be here, as well as several other great Unreal Engine games from other developers. I believe Silicon Knights and other affected developers deserve the profits from Gears, because as the press release reads, it was by their payments to Epic as licensees that Epic was able to make the game. Epic got ahead because it used the other developers while they fell behind. It leeched the lifeforce from these game developers so that it could make more money, money that should have been shared around.
yes all what SK offered so far are "allegations", but:
- u'd be slow to see the vast difference between UE3 based games and GeoW...
- the delays that some of the most anticipated UE3-based games are getting...
- this is not the first time we heard about probs with dealing with the UE3 engine... just look at IGN's MS E3 conf impressions... they were pointing out to the framerate probs mass effect is still suffering from... the thing that was supposed to be ironed out a long time ago...
- look at the announcement of Epic's "optamization" of the UE3 engine for the PS3 to "use the full potential of the hardware"... they're not "optimizing" anything, they're just trying to make the goddamn thing work... just ask Koei for the reason "fatal inertia" is getting delayed on the PS3 for...
- look back and try to remember how epic couldn't deliver the UE3 for devs on time for both the X360 and PS3 on time...both were like 6-9 months late
i'm not saying for sure that Epic has conned everyone here... i'm just saying that there's something fishy about the whole case... nobody can deny that there's smoke and there's bound to be a fire my friend
[QUOTE="gecko_hawaii13"]Are you sure that Gears was made with UE3 money? Last I heard, Gears was fully funded by Microsoft.The fact that epic made Gears of War is irrelevant. If they would have shared the working engine to their licensees, we as the gamers would be benefitted more. Gears would still be here, as well as several other great Unreal Engine games from other developers. I believe Silicon Knights and other affected developers deserve the profits from Gears, because as the press release reads, it was by their payments to Epic as licensees that Epic was able to make the game. Epic got ahead because it used the other developers while they fell behind. It leeched the lifeforce from these game developers so that it could make more money, money that should have been shared around.
lol yeah i raised an eyebrow there... the publisher (MS) was the one funding the project... not the money gotten from selling the tech behind UE3
The fact that epic made Gears of War is irrelevant. If they would have shared the working engine to their licensees, we as the gamers would be benefitted more. Gears would still be here, as well as several other great Unreal Engine games from other developers. I believe Silicon Knights and other affected developers deserve the profits from Gears, because as the press release reads, it was by their payments to Epic as licensees that Epic was able to make the game. Epic got ahead because it used the other developers while they fell behind. It leeched the lifeforce from these game developers so that it could make more money, money that should have been shared around.
This is how I see it myself aswell and anyone that doubts Silicon knights talent should really play some of there games, the games were brilliant for there time with excelent graphics.
yes all what SK offered so far are "allegations", but:
- u'd be slow to see the vast difference between UE3 based games and GeoW...
- the delays that some of the most anticipated UE3-based games are getting...
- this is not the first time we heard about probs with dealing with the UE3 engine... just look at IGN's MS E3 conf impressions... they were pointing out to the framerate probs mass effect is still suffering from... the thing that was supposed to be ironed out a long time ago...
- look at the announcement of Epic's "optamization" of the UE3 engine for the PS3 to "use the full potential of the hardware"... they're not "optimizing" anything, they're just trying to make the goddamn thing work... just ask Koei for the reason "fatal inertia" is getting delayed on the PS3 for...
- look back and try to remember how epic couldn't deliver the UE3 for devs on time for both the X360 and PS3 on time...both were like 6-9 months late
i'm not saying for sure that Epic has conned everyone here... i'm just saying that there's something fishy about the whole case... nobody can deny that there's smoke and there's bound to be a fire my friend
of course there's something "fishy" going on, otherwise they wouldn't be suing Epic, I'm just saying you should wait before you pass judgement on it(not referring to you specifically but to most people who post in this thread)
bioware seem to have no issuesspinecaton
Are you sure about that? What about all that framerate problems we have been seeing with Mass Effect?
You mean the same ones that were in KOTOR? No one complained then.
Also, it's months from release, the game is pretty much done, just tweaking from here on out.
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