just wondering when this gen is over will you look at the wii like a console that should be compared to PS3/360 or do you thing it's in it's own catagory.
personally i don't think its a cirrent gen console. not to say it not a system or is bad but just it not really competeing with 360/PS3. when i think of a next generation console i think of something that cleary is advanced from teh previous gen and so far most consoles have been like that except for the wii. it no secret wii isn't all that powerful hardware wise and at best it more powerful than the first xbox. with ps3 and xbox360 you see a pretty big leap forward while with wii the leap is very small and teh only real difference is the wiimote. to me wii is more of an inbetween console thats closer to the previous gen then this gen. by no mean am i saying it's bad but i do see alot of people comparing the wii to PS3/360 and i always wonder why? they are so very very different and are targeted to very different people. what do you think?
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