That's a hard one, after all I liked Fallout back at its roots, but also really like the new setup they made with Fallout 3, New Vegas, have yet to fire up Fallout 4 so don't have thoughts to sort on that. TES however I only really started with Morrowind which came out right about the same time I got into the Fallout games, one of my roommates at the time got me and another roommate of mine into both games, both of which I'd of never picked up on my own he coached me on the finer points of both and it opened me up to both styles of games as a result.
I really liked the transition to Fallout 3, and liked Fallout New Vegas, not as much as Fallout 3 but I enjoyed it nonetheless. My overall experience with either was I didn't experience bugs like others did but I did have more performance issues (framerate problems toward ends of both games or during intense parts). While people often hated on Oblivion, I liked it a great deal. I still found it pretty enjoyable and really fun to play. Whereas Skyrim, I didn't like Skyrim one bit. I thought it was a lazy game. They nailed the mechanics sure, those were solid; great improvement there. Just with everything else, the story, the quests, the friggin quests are the meat of any big RPG, and they were oh so severely lacking it totally ruined it for me.
Anyhow, that's mostly what I'm looking forward to looking at when I do play Fallout 4. Are the mechanics solid, and are the quests good. I'm not gonna get hung up on this performance nit-picking unless it severely ruins my experience. I mean, right now I'm split, I probably enjoyed TES more overall but I really disliked Skyrim so much I might consider saying I like Fallout more at the moment; I'll hold off judgement for now until I have a better idea what Fallout 4 offers.
EDIT: I'd have to say, if I had a favorite game I put the most hours into I don't know if I could say for certain whether it was Morrowind or Oblivion either. I played both so friggin much I'm sure either of them outspend the time I spent on all the Fallout games combined... okay, for expedience sake since I probably won't return to vote after I get a clue I'm gonna say TES.
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