In most cases, not really lol, but there are a few exceptions!
Stories I can follow:
- MGS franchise: I can mostly follow the story from at least MGS 1 - forward.
- Zelda: another franchise that I can follow but I have a hard time remembering the different timelines.
- Final Fantasy 7: not hard at all.
- Resident Evil franchise: can be convoluted but you get the general idea.
Stories I have no idea what's going on:
- Souls games: I really wanted to understand Bloodborne but just end up Wiki-ing it lol.
- Kingdom Hearts: forget about it!
- Xenoblade games: Found it very difficult to follow but I also thought it was boring.
- Most JRPGs: lol all I know is teens fight bad guy/thing who wants to take over the world.
How about you, SW? Do you pay attention to video game stories?
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