He's not talking about the assets used, he's talking about the actualy clarity of the image. CG cutscenes are 720p because that's what consoles do, but when you play at 1080p on PC and see a 720p cutscene it looks horrid and has compression artifacts everywhere. The visuals themselves are very very pretty but the clarity of the image is ass
Cutscenes in FF13 are 1080p on the PS3 version. Clarity of the image would be the same doubt it would break any imersion.
One exception does not make the rule. Also PCs go much higher than 1080p.
Clarity is a major issue with them. You just haven't a clue what you're talking about
360 got 720p CGI because of disk size limits. PS3 usally got 720p because PS3 seem to only able to change resolution when it runs executable and it need to stay like that thats why FFXIII outputs 1080p even thru it renders 720p just for CGI. If PS4 will be always at 1080p or able to quicly change resultion in game and 720 will have blue laser disks (of whatever format) there will be more 1080p.
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