We all know Gabe hates the PS3. And arguably, he has some valid points.
With Valve's flat out refusal to work on the PS3 at all (Orange Box for PS3 was outsourced to EA ), I got to a little thinking.
Gabe and his partner were both employees of Microsoft for well over 10 years, before leaving and founding Valve. Gabe became a millionaire thanks to Microsoft. Gabe knows Microsoft technology the best and is more than likely most comfortable with, and I'm sure still has connections with MS buddies (not saying moneyhats, but friends who can give him a boost here and there). So why would he dedicate time and money learning PS3's architecture?
So, I guess the point I'm trying to get at is, Gabe's harsh words about the PS3 don't hold as much weight, considiring his history.
What do you guys think?
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