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[QUOTE="voxware00"]you hate, realism?not crazy about either but i hate the driving in GTA IV
so youre blaming someone for wanting something to be more fun :? games are meant to be experiences, they dont have to replicate reality aand I tell you GTAIV may have had realistic driving, but it sure as hell wasnt as fun as driving in Vice City or San Andreas.
For me I enjoyed San Andreas more than I did IV but I can certainly see how people can think otherwise. Perhaps after many (and I mean MANY) hours on GTA3, Vice City and SAn Andreas the GTA formula has finally wore out on me... Which brings me to my next point: GTA3. Best. GTA. Ever.
in plain words no......SA had so much more to dostereointegrityYa sky diving bicycle riding, plane hijacking, cllibming that mountain and riding a dirtbike off of it. SA was just so much more. Fun
I liked having the gameplay options in SA. But I also like atmosphere as well. So each emphasizes an important trait.
Yea I think San Andreas still looks pretty good on the PC. I played GTA4 on PS3 and couldn't believe how good San Andreas looked on my PC for a old game. When I replace my stolen GTA4, I think I will get it for PC this time. Not only cheaper, but better looking and it has mods.Even with it's "outdated" graphics I think San Andreas will always be THE best GTA to date. If you play the Xbox disc on your 360 it will upscale it to HD and it looks pretty sweet. I don't know if the XBL download version is HD or not.
I liked Vice City more than both of em. That's right, I said it.siLVURcross
For me VC was the one that had the best vibe, and had the best soundtrack and radio stations to go with the vibe. Overall I will have to say I prefer SA, because it had the most things to do after or within the main story. IV went into a different more realistic direction, which gave it a good vibe, but still I prefer VC over it, and there aren't much things to do after or within the main story.
San Andreas was more fun
GTA 4 had a better story.
There was alot more stuff to do and places to explore in San Andreas, and thats why I liked it better.
This being my first GTA game I played.. I thought it was pretty good but got extremely boring in the end.. There just wasn't enough options and meaningful decisions to make.. I would rather they made the game smaller and worked on completing and doing missions differently and have more meaningful choices.. I could care less about half of a barren map that I will probably never run through to begin with.sSubZerOoThank God, another person who sees GTA like this. I've always hated how some games get bashed for having repetitive missions yet GTA gets special treatment just because the cutscenes leading to these repetitive missions are quite good, the actual missions usually just consist of shooting someone, or a group of people then chasing someone, in what can only be described as the most irritating sections in gaming.
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