Other than theme/aesthetics, in what way is Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma western influenced? No western game has the gameplay/combat as Dark Souls/Bloodborne.
just because they don't look like typical anime characters does that mean it is western influenced. Is Killer Instinct or Mortal Kombat eastern influenced? Or is Gears of War eastern influenced seeing as it copies so much from Resident Evil?
Also, what western game has moved the medium forward? Honestly, I can't think of a mind blowing revolutionary western game made in the last decade. Western developers just focus on making massive open world, high production values, graphics, voice acting and whatnot and that's due to having higher budget and resources than eastern developers. But their gameplay is still meh to awful.
Other than Witcher III (which is made by an eastern European dev), no western game has been innovative or pushed the medium forward.
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