We all know thatSOME developers don't pay much attention to PC gamers nowadays (look at Ubisoft for their DRM, plus they refuse to release Prince of Persia DLC to PC gamers). Some devs just make console games, and then port them over to PC later on, meaning the PC market is simply an after-thought to them. Now, with Move and Natal coming up on the horizon, do you think devs will spend lots of money on motion sensing, then find they don't have enough money left over to support PC gamers? Natal and Move will obviously cost millions to develop for, so thats what gets me worried. What if they take that money out of PC game investment, then use it for motion sensing instead? Furthermore, you cannot port a motion control game over to PC (unles MS allows PCs to use Natal)
I have been gaming on my PC alot lately, especially with BF:BC2 which I am addicted to. I would hate PC gaming to lose support in favor of devs spending money on motion control instead of optomising their games for PC. I love PC gaming, and I love motion control, but hopefully devs wont take from one and give to the other. Your thoughts?
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