@jg4xchamp said:
Why the **** does it matter? the game looks plenty impressive visually, and 30 fps is a console standard at this point. Because that's the low ass standards of consoles, 30 frames.
That aside the real issue is how fucking boring the gameplay looks. I'm sure linear corridor shooters that have intrusive ass cutscenes is the type of things that turns brofists on, but for those of us that like genuinely enjoyable gameplay The Order sure looks fucking boring.
Yep, the Order looks like PLAYABLE CGI
The Order is the best looking game in existence right now period.
PS4 proving its muscle! PC trolls need to stop with all the BS and just give the PS4/a playstation exclusive due credit
As for the gameplay, its a TPS. So of course its going to play like a TPS.
The Order looks a hell of a lot better from a gameplay stand point then Quantum Break does though
The gunplay in Order looks and feels fantastic! Gunplay in Quantum Break looks like a joke, like its a pee-wee shooter
As long as the core shooting in the Order is good, thats all that matters, and by all accounts the Order has meaty, ass whalloping gunplay
The majority of people who have played The Order at E3 and gamescon say that The Order has great gunplay and is fun to play. Its one of those things where you need to have the controller in your hands
Plus thats not even counting the gameplay we havent seen yet. The Order is said to have variety; branching QTEs, meele, battles against hybrids etc
I hope that gameplay stays hidden though, I want to experience it for the first time as a surprise
I bet when its all said and done, the Order will have great gameplay, great story, and be a GOTY contemder. Never mind that its dripping and oozing with atmopshere and charm already evident in just the small trailers
Anyway, I will trust the opinions of people who played The Order and liked its gameplay OVER the verbal diarrhea of those who havent !
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