if they can keep exclusive content coming then yes. its great that the likes of doom (i cant wait for the DF overview of that...hopefully with input from ID themselves also) and fifa are also coming to the switch but these wont drive switch sales.
they need exclusive content (1st or 3rd party) that is appealing to more people.
DF has already taken a first look at DOOM, they were fairly impressed even though it's only running at 30 fps (entirely expected, people who were hoping for 60 were being unrealistically optimistic).
Per topic, if things continue as they are, yes they'll be able to continue the momentum. I'd be a bit more pessimistic had the streamlining of their studios and a management re-shifting not occurred in the period before the Switch's arrival. All's looking great so far, and I'm going to be fairly disappointed if this system turns into another Nintendo exclusive platform plagued with droughts. Those third party games need to sell, because for as good as Nintendo is, they only have so many resources and need third parties to fill in the blanks whenever possible.
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