See my answer below.No, you asked why wouldn't they create a trilogy did you not? I said if it flops in sales why would they make a trilogy. You asked, I answered.
You seem to want to believe it will sell badly. If you can do that, other people are more than welcome to assume it sold well. By your last statement, sounds like you're in damage control mode by your own admission.Why, because some systemwars people said it was a great game? Or are you believing the "my local Wal-Mart is out so it must be a million seller"? I'm not saying it's impossible for it to sell a million in ONE week but everytime I ask why people post that it's sold over a million it's always "I saw a guy post about 1 million preorders" or "my local store is all out....that means it's out nation wide!!!".
It's like the damage control on the game is the sales that no one can prove or disprove.
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