i bet they will , just because they show it as vita exclusive dont mean it actually is for all we know its already ported,
-- theres a number of titles psp launched with was the same way
twisted metal head on-this was actually a updated twisted metal online with new maps , then was reported over to ps2 with even more maps and stuff
ape escape-a pure port of ps1 game of the same name
ridge racer- i say this was ported from the ps2 as well -ridge racer v w added stuff
gta vcs and lcs were exclusive but were later ported to ps2
then psp got a port of the ds game china town wars
--- so this could very well be the port machine , could be good for some but bad for some as well , i would like to see more original titles but the way things are going now adays with people whining for remakes or ports , we may see more of that
and i will gladly own my 3ds and get a vita ,
dont have a problem , i dont want to see either fall ,
neither does sony so ,, for once i agree with them , id gladly buy a few ports but they have to be good ones,
i dont care for the tom clancy ones , lol already bought it for 3ds and xbox im not looking forward to this hd collection 1 bit , as already stated i believe vita will be like psp 1 ,
or more like todays remake craze!
and i believe its more so in line with todays oh lets remake this , , cause we are seeing more of that these days ,
final fantasy- they already remade most of that ,
mgs 3 -getting a 3ds remake
goldeneye n64-got a retelling and the retelling-goldeneye wii is getting a hd port for 360 ps3
mgs the newest psp game is getting a vita upgrade
asphalt 3ds-is getting a simlar game on vita
starfox 64 3d-remakes a 64 game
oot -another game people asked for ---- got its remake on 3ds as well as gc wii
every single popular game has got one port or another out or in the works, so i dont expect this track to change any time soon hey give me top gear while they are at it and ill be happy i dont care what platform -3ds wii u vita bring it on ! or how about konami give us zombies ate my neighbors vita/3ds wiiu ps3 360 upgrades haha
theres also cases where a game changes its name to make you think its new entirely that was the case with twisted metal head on as already noted
so dont say any thing until vita is out and we played these games lol it may be new but hey it can also be renamed for all we know but dont matter im still buying it , as it or asphalt is the only games im interisted right now for vita
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