I'd hate anyone to win the console wars outright, each brring somethingunique to the table, alot of it may not be right for me but if it expands gaming that is goof for all of us.
Why it would be bad for me if ____ won:
Microsoft: Of all the consoles MS has produced the type of games I'm interested in. I grew up playing PC, almost every console game I played after the age of 15 left me disappointed, shallow and weak was my general impression. So when the xbox came along and gave me titles that I could play on a console that I enjoyed on the PC but was accessible to other people and meant we could easily have 4, 8 or 12 of us duelling it out on Halo, playing Tiger Woods, fighting with lightsabers in KOTOR or trawling through the swamps of Morrowind my attitudes towards consoles changed somewhat. This generation that hasn't changed. I love my 360 in UNISON with PC, but if I had to choose between them the PC would win without question. However, if MS was to win the war, what to stop them producing another shoddy (or god forbid worse) piece of hardware than the 360? Would they allow independent companies to thrive or would we see more conditions and restrictions put on them like those for XBLA? Thanks MS for the xbox and 360 but no thanks for domination.
EDIT I forgot to mention Live which has let me sty in contact with friends and family from Ireland & UK when i moved to the US
2. Nintendo: The gateway company into gaming. Yea yea I know "hardcore" or whatever you want to call yourselves gamers play the Wii too, but the fact is that Nintendo has opened gaming to generations that would never have touched a PC, 360 or PS3. The Wii-mote is crazy fun and the detractors can bleat all they want Wii-sports rocks. However, the wii is the nightmare future of gaming for me. A leap sideways in technology its games hark back to the consoles games I dispised so much, often shallow and brief, sure they are fun for some multiplayer action with friends but not what I want to wile away a few hours by myself playing. A Nintendo victory might help push some devs back to the PC but otherwise god no.
3 Sony: Almost as bad as the Wii for me personally. People find it hard to believe but almost none of the games on the PS2 interested me. I enjoyed FIFA and the odd game of Madden, but games like MGS or JRPG's left me cold. Platformers? Dear god the 80's say hello. The PS3 has come on leaps and bounds in terms of its power, but its games, and especially its exclusives hold little interest for me. I need mature WRPG's, great shooters, something above and beyond the usual dross and Sony honestly hasn't done anything on its consoles in the past to make me want one. Sure if Sony won I'd still buy one, I'd want to play games like Madden, Fifa, GTA, etc, but you can guarantee I wouldn't use it very often.
All out victory for any one=lack of competition, overpriced underpowered consoles and stagnation for the industry.
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