Poll Does 900p bother you? (131 votes)
Just wondering if anyone actually cares whether or not something is 900p vs 1080p; Uncharted 4 MP, for example.
Just wondering if anyone actually cares whether or not something is 900p vs 1080p; Uncharted 4 MP, for example.
It's 2016. Games should be 1080p 60 FPS standard.
Having said that, I would choose 900p 60 FPS over 1080p 30 FPS. I refuse to accept anything lower than 900p.
Does it bother me? Yes.
Does it bother me to a point I would not play a game for that? No.
30fps bothers me much, much more than 900p.
Nope, 900P 60 fps is basically the sweet spot for these WeakAss this gen consoles. :P
Indeed...the cows and lems are fine with these two 900p consoles, but when asked if that is what they want, they say no....or do they say yes. They have me so confused.
@iandizion713: but is it the huge leap that ppl complain only consoles lack.
For can example can anyone show me generational LEAP since crisis ? That came out what ? A decade ago ?
Btw this fot pc maniacs in general. But who am i from stop you from a personal "i never said that idiot" post.
Yes it does. I'm on PS4 so I rarely have to see 900p.
I bet the people that voted for "no" are Xbox gamers, they're so used to 720p that they're ecstatic when they finally get a 900p game.
I bet the people that voted for "no" are Xbox gamers, they're so used to 720p that they're ecstatic when they finally get a 900p game.
Let's see this exhaustive list of 720p games. I will get you started. Battlefield is native 720p. Ready for the rest of your big list.
Yes it does. I'm on PS4 so I rarely have to see 900p.
I bet the people that voted for "no" are Xbox gamers, they're so used to 720p that they're ecstatic when they finally get a 900p game.
Pffft, if you care so much then WTF you dong with that Weaksauce PS Bore, get yourself a top tier gaming PC. Sheeeesh. :P
I bet the people that voted for "no" are Xbox gamers, they're so used to 720p that they're ecstatic when they finally get a 900p game.
Let's see this exhaustive list of 720p games. I will get you started. Battlefield is native 720p. Ready for the rest of your big list.
Oh I'm sorry if I don't remember what special resolution Xbox games run on. Was it 768p? 758p? Sorry, I'm used to normal resolutions like 1080p, so it's naturally a but difficult to remember all the different resolutions that a lot of Xbox games run at.
I bet the people that voted for "no" are Xbox gamers, they're so used to 720p that they're ecstatic when they finally get a 900p game.
Let's see this exhaustive list of 720p games. I will get you started. Battlefield is native 720p. Ready for the rest of your big list.
Oh I'm sorry if I don't remember what special resolution Xbox games run on. Was it 768p? 758p? Sorry, I'm used to normal resolutions like 1080p, so it's naturally a but difficult to remember all the different resolutions that a lot of Xbox games run at.
Oh, so you don't have a list. That's what we thought. Keep trolling.
No. I game on a 22 inch computer screen and when it comes to video games I'm only playing it on the ps3. I don't see the difference between 720p and 1080p when I watch a movie or TV show or play games. I care more about the frame rate than the resolution. I would much rather play games at a lock 30 or 60fps at 720p.
I bet the people that voted for "no" are Xbox gamers, they're so used to 720p that they're ecstatic when they finally get a 900p game.
Let's see this exhaustive list of 720p games. I will get you started. Battlefield is native 720p. Ready for the rest of your big list.
Oh I'm sorry if I don't remember what special resolution Xbox games run on. Was it 768p? 758p? Sorry, I'm used to normal resolutions like 1080p, so it's naturally a but difficult to remember all the different resolutions that a lot of Xbox games run at.
Oh, so you don't have a list. That's what we thought. Keep trolling.
Who's we? Anyways, let's start with Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, PES 15, Star Wars Battlefront and so many others. Then there are also of course all those 792p games like Titanfall, Watch_Dogs etc.
It's funny, the original Xbox had over 50 games at 720p, now 14 years later and Xbox One owners are still stuck with the same resolution. The Xbox One is truly a technological marvel.
Yes it does. I'm on PS4 so I rarely have to see 900p.
I bet the people that voted for "no" are Xbox gamers, they're so used to 720p that they're ecstatic when they finally get a 900p game.
Pffft, if you care so much then WTF you dong with that Weaksauce PS Bore, get yourself a top tier gaming PC. Sheeeesh. :P
Yes I really should do that, I'm still waiting to have the dough for a VR setup though. For the time being I'll be stuck with the best that consoles have to offer. :P
Yes it does. I'm on PS4 so I rarely have to see 900p.
I bet the people that voted for "no" are Xbox gamers, they're so used to 720p that they're ecstatic when they finally get a 900p game.
Pffft, if you care so much then WTF you dong with that Weaksauce PS Bore, get yourself a top tier gaming PC. Sheeeesh. :P
Yes I really should do that, I'm still waiting to have the dough for a VR setup though. For the time being I'll be stuck with the best that consoles have to offer. :P
I just game on PS4, Xbox One and Windows to have all my bases covered ;)
I bet the people that voted for "no" are Xbox gamers, they're so used to 720p that they're ecstatic when they finally get a 900p game.
Let's see this exhaustive list of 720p games. I will get you started. Battlefield is native 720p. Ready for the rest of your big list.
Oh I'm sorry if I don't remember what special resolution Xbox games run on. Was it 768p? 758p? Sorry, I'm used to normal resolutions like 1080p, so it's naturally a but difficult to remember all the different resolutions that a lot of Xbox games run at.
Oh, so you don't have a list. That's what we thought. Keep trolling.
Who's we? Anyways, let's start with Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, PES 15, Star Wars Battlefront and so many others. Then there are also of course all those 792p games like Titanfall, Watch_Dogs etc.
It's funny, the original Xbox had over 50 games at 720p, now 14 years later and Xbox One owners are still stuck with the same resolution.
We, the rest of us gamers that realize that a 720p game is in the minority on the Xbox, and know that 1080p games are in the majority.
So how are the Xbox One owners stuck with the same resolution, when most of the games are 1080p?
Alien Isolation
Tomb Raider: Rise of the Tomb Raider
Diablo III
Fallout 4
FIFA 14-16
Forza Horizon 2
Forza Motorsport 5
Forza Motorsport 6
Halo Spartan Assault
Halo MCC
Mad Max
Murdered Soul Suspect
NBA 2K14
Need for Speed Rivals
Sleeping dogs
Sniper Elite
The Crew
TR: Definitive Edition
Tony Hawk
Trials Fusion
Gears of War 4
Mighty 9
Prison Architect
The Long Dark
Dirt Rally
Adams Venture
Organic Panic
Rally Evo
Active Soccer
RBI Baseball
Gryphon Knight
Killer Instinct 3
Walking Dead
Resident Evil 6
Stranger of Sword City
101 Ways to Die
Shred It
Ori and the Blind Forest
Dungeon of the Endless
Shadow Complex Remastered
Shantae and the Pirates Curse
Gears of War Ultimate Edition
Madden 14, 15, 16
PGA Tour
Cell Damage
Lacrosse 16
Organic Panic
Action Hank
Alekhines Gun
The Solus Project
The Flame in the Flood
Tiny Troopers
The ABC Murders
Lords of the Fallen
Rocket League
Layers of Fear
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
Pixel Piracy
In Space We Brawl
D Generation
Homefront the Revolution
Naturo Shippuden
The Escapists
and.....now I am getting bored typing out 1080p games. There is about 4 times that what I just typed that are 1080p, but that is just way too much work.
Let's see this exhaustive list of 720p games. I will get you started. Battlefield is native 720p. Ready for the rest of your big list.
Oh I'm sorry if I don't remember what special resolution Xbox games run on. Was it 768p? 758p? Sorry, I'm used to normal resolutions like 1080p, so it's naturally a but difficult to remember all the different resolutions that a lot of Xbox games run at.
Oh, so you don't have a list. That's what we thought. Keep trolling.
Who's we? Anyways, let's start with Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, PES 15, Star Wars Battlefront and so many others. Then there are also of course all those 792p games like Titanfall, Watch_Dogs etc.
It's funny, the original Xbox had over 50 games at 720p, now 14 years later and Xbox One owners are still stuck with the same resolution.
We, the rest of us gamers that realize that a 720p game is in the minority on the Xbox, and know that 1080p games are in the majority.
So how are the Xbox One owners stuck with the same resolution, when most of the games are 1080p?
Most of those are low graphic indie games or remasters. Impressive. Then there are games like the Halo: MCC which uses crappy resolutions like 1328x1080. Very impressive indeed.
But I give you that, the Xbone can play last-gen remasters and indies at 1080p.
Oh, so you don't have a list. That's what we thought. Keep trolling.
Who's we? Anyways, let's start with Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, PES 15, Star Wars Battlefront and so many others. Then there are also of course all those 792p games like Titanfall, Watch_Dogs etc.
It's funny, the original Xbox had over 50 games at 720p, now 14 years later and Xbox One owners are still stuck with the same resolution.
We, the rest of us gamers that realize that a 720p game is in the minority on the Xbox, and know that 1080p games are in the majority.
So how are the Xbox One owners stuck with the same resolution, when most of the games are 1080p?
Most of those are low graphic indie games or remasters. Impressive. Then there are games like the Halo: MCC which uses crappy resolutions like 1328x1080. Very impressive indeed.
But I give you that, the Xbone can play last-gen remasters and indies at 1080p.
Oh, so you don't have a list. That's what we thought. Keep trolling.
Who's we? Anyways, let's start with Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, PES 15, Star Wars Battlefront and so many others. Then there are also of course all those 792p games like Titanfall, Watch_Dogs etc.
It's funny, the original Xbox had over 50 games at 720p, now 14 years later and Xbox One owners are still stuck with the same resolution.
We, the rest of us gamers that realize that a 720p game is in the minority on the Xbox, and know that 1080p games are in the majority.
So how are the Xbox One owners stuck with the same resolution, when most of the games are 1080p?
Most of those are low graphic indie games or remasters. Impressive. Then there are games like the Halo: MCC which uses crappy resolutions like 1328x1080. Very impressive indeed.
But I give you that, the Xbone can play last-gen remasters and indies at 1080p.
the majority of the MCC is 1920x1080p 60fps. I think Halo 2 is the only obscure one.
You are correct.
I don't even play most of my games at 1080p.
I'm sure if I did I would be upset, but I don't so it actually doesn't matter to me what the resolution is, as long as it's not too jarring.
Now Framerate is a completely different story. Anything below 30 I will be upset and 60 fps feels like a must for this day and age.
Who's we? Anyways, let's start with Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, PES 15, Star Wars Battlefront and so many others. Then there are also of course all those 792p games like Titanfall, Watch_Dogs etc.
It's funny, the original Xbox had over 50 games at 720p, now 14 years later and Xbox One owners are still stuck with the same resolution.
We, the rest of us gamers that realize that a 720p game is in the minority on the Xbox, and know that 1080p games are in the majority.
So how are the Xbox One owners stuck with the same resolution, when most of the games are 1080p?
Most of those are low graphic indie games or remasters. Impressive. Then there are games like the Halo: MCC which uses crappy resolutions like 1328x1080. Very impressive indeed.
But I give you that, the Xbone can play last-gen remasters and indies at 1080p.
Running out of arguments are we? I'm not surprised since you're defending the 720pBox, there are simply not enough arguments to defend that thing.
Who's we? Anyways, let's start with Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Dead Rising 3, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, PES 15, Star Wars Battlefront and so many others. Then there are also of course all those 792p games like Titanfall, Watch_Dogs etc.
It's funny, the original Xbox had over 50 games at 720p, now 14 years later and Xbox One owners are still stuck with the same resolution.
We, the rest of us gamers that realize that a 720p game is in the minority on the Xbox, and know that 1080p games are in the majority.
So how are the Xbox One owners stuck with the same resolution, when most of the games are 1080p?
Most of those are low graphic indie games or remasters. Impressive. Then there are games like the Halo: MCC which uses crappy resolutions like 1328x1080. Very impressive indeed.
But I give you that, the Xbone can play last-gen remasters and indies at 1080p.
Running out of arguments are we?
You tell us, are you? Seems like it. You just got destroyed, and you are coming up empty handed. It will be ok, we still like you. Kinda cute.
Running out of arguments are we?
You tell us, are you? Seems like it. You just got destroyed, and you are coming up empty handed. It will be ok, we still like you. Kinda cute.
Totally ignoring one's post and posting a crappy meme isn't destroying anyone but your own dwindling credibility.
Running out of arguments are we?
You tell us, are you? Seems like it. You just got destroyed, and you are coming up empty handed. It will be ok, we still like you. Kinda cute.
Totally ignoring one's post
Totally agreed. You still mad you were wrong?
Totally agreed. You still mad you were wrong?
I was never mad to begin with, I own a PS4 so it doesn't bother me that Quantum Break flopped.
It doesn't bother me on consoles. Of course I'd prefer 1080p, but as others have said it's a valuable sacrifice if the alternative is completely trash framerate. On PC I certainly won't play in 900p. There I will tweak other settings until things work well for me
On a 1080p monitor 900p looks crap. Might try playing GTAV tonight at 900p and see how long I last. :P
I prefer comfortable FPS over resolution, but it also depends on the game, i can run Dead island at 4K and 60FPS on my old ass PC no problem (NVIDIA DSR), but i will drop my res to 900P for BF4 because my CPU is the first bottleneck to maintain my 75hz refresh.
Running out of arguments are we?
You tell us, are you? Seems like it. You just got destroyed, and you are coming up empty handed. It will be ok, we still like you. Kinda cute.
Totally ignoring one's post
Totally agreed. You still mad you were wrong?
I was never mad to begin with, I own a PS4 so it doesn't bother me that Quantum Break flopped.
If you were not mad, why are you acting mad? We should all be happy that we have a PS4. Some people are not fortunate enough. Even with games like DriveFlub, Rachet & Flop, The Border, and Street Flopper V, we still get good games like Uncharted 4 and Until Dawn, as well as the amazing Bloodborne.
You tell us, are you? Seems like it. You just got destroyed, and you are coming up empty handed. It will be ok, we still like you. Kinda cute.
Totally ignoring one's post
Totally agreed. You still mad you were wrong?
I was never mad to begin with, I own a PS4 so it doesn't bother me that Quantum Break flopped.
If you were not mad, why are you acting mad? We should all be happy that we have a PS4. Some people are not fortunate enough. Even with games like DriveFlub, Rachet & Flop, The Border, and Street Flopper V, we still get good games like Uncharted 4 and Until Dawn, as well as the amazing Bloodborne.
Where did I act mad? Please highlight the parts (if you find them).
Also Rachet & Clank flopped? It got an 8 on here and is currently sitting at 86 on Metacritic. There's only one Xbox exclusive that scored higher than Rachet & Clank and that is Forza 6 with an 87, so by your own definition of flop, every single Xbox One exclusive flopped, especially Quantum Break since that game is almost 10 points below Rachet & Clank.
But let me guess, your definition only applies to PS4 and not to X1, right? Just like you called the PS4 "900pStation", even though over 95% of the PS4's library is in 1080p. You of course then argued with me when I called the X1 a 720p console, even though easily 95% of its library is above 720p, yet what applies to the PS4 obviously doesn't apply to the X1, am I right?
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