Does anybody else have this type of friend who lives in some sort of the technological past ? When everybody else is into Xbox One X, PS4 Pro and PC Master Race with its latest GPUs, avidly discussing new game releases, exclusives, etc. There is always one guy... One cheap ass bastard...Who just has replaced his PS2 with PS3. At fucking 50 bucks and another 50 for 30+ games. And he's good for another 5 years.
And then comes me or you who buy their systems at launch paying hundreds of dollars, but eventually 5-7 year later we gonna sell our powerful elite devices for 50 bucks to some hippy who will enjoy it much more than us. And then comes me with PS4, PS3, Steam library of 400 games, and I don't know what to play.
I don't know if my friend is cheap ass son of a gun OR a fucking genius with the patience of fucking Budda.
Every time I meet him and we discuss games we played, and he tells me how little he paid for his...I am always like

And it's not only the case of console gaming "vultures" lol I have a friend who has just built his dream uberpowerful gaming PC...if it were 5 years ago. Using used parts. 200 bucks in total. Now he's excited to be able to play 7 year old games on his brand new hd screen from 2006.
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