I wouldn't say I'm "loyal" to Sony and MS considering the vile things they have done this gen. But that won't stop me from buying the PS4 and 720 (if the consoles are actually good, of course). And brand loyalty still exists in the real world, just look at the PS brand in Europe for example. And the Xbox brand in Japan, although that's kinda the reverse.Floppy_Jim
what the? i didn't know you owned a 360 too! i thought you were a PS3 fanboy all this time lol,sorry for doubting you
as for the question:
brand loyalty will always exist, fanyboys will probabely always exist, but i think both are pretty dumb since you just deprive yourself of great games. I am loyal to certain brands that have nothing to do with gaming just cause i've had better experiences opposed to other companies. for games however i know no loyalty, i play all systems
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