No they are not close. If each unit cost them $340 to make that is not close. They do NOT sell them to stores for $299, that what the stores sell them to customers for. Sony probably sell each PS3 to stores for around $225 to $250, that is still losing about $100 on each.T-Aldous
You're off in your PS3 retail estimation.
I know a guy who fairly recently closed his video game shop, and he told me the margin on PS3's (fat/phat version) was razor 2 or 3 or so dollars because of shipping. He told me that sometimes when his inventory was running low, it was beneficial for him to go to Best Buy and buy PS3's straight out because then he would turn around and sell and/or package each system with games, which in turn was profitable because the games themselves carried margin.
I'm very certain the Slim carries the same margin dynamic, and that's why you hardly ever see a PS3 Slim selling at a retail store for less than the MSRP ($299.99)
Also, I used to sell Dreamcasts and PS1's back in the day, and the margin was razor thin on those too.
Basically, Sony's pretty "tight wad'ish" towards their retailing of PS3's, mostly because I think they have to be.
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