Yea how much can the Wii scale up in graphics in comparsion to the GC? The GC proved its graphical capablities at LAUNCH with Star Wars Rouge Squadron 2 with nice graphics, framerates, sound and up to 200+ TIE Fighters on the screen at once with huge Star Destroyers and the Death Star. If the Wii is so much superior why no game surpassed this launch GC game from 6 years ago? 360 launch games surprassed Xbox games, PS3 surprassed PS2 games.
I will become a believer when the Wii is running better than RE4 or Chronicles of Riddick/Ninja Gaiden without any problems, but I just dont see it doing so.
Developers are concentrating on the Wiimote so why should they waste time going after graphics when it is not Nintendo's goal? The goal is to get the most simple gameplay that even your granny can play it.
Last, sheep are hypocrites. Last gen. The GC>>>>PS2 in graphics and the GC is only for the true hardcore gamers while the PS2 is for the noobies and casuals. Nintendo is now after the casual market with cheap technology and yet yall embrace it?  Even the 7 year-old PS2 is showing off impressive visuals comapred to this Wii joke.
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