Well TC, more and more games are going Multiplats, so I think we get less and less exclusives ^^ This is neither a good or a bad change, it has tradeoffs and negatives, You do not have to fear more and more exclusives missing on PC, but a large segment of big budget games ,will aim at the lowest common denominator (the weakest console at the time). Which means the PC version will have some improved graphics, but not "knock your socks off graphics, since that would require a pc exclusive built from the ground up to look awesome.
An aditional + is that most pcs can run these games :S so as I stated, both advantages and disadvantages.
So Multiplats will likely be a sure bet, PC exclusives will likely be like theyve been this gen (altho we have seen alot of thebigger devs going back to make PC focused games now, since it has a lower risk of losing money then consoles, but also wont give as much profit with big hits). The PChave the most exclusives but quality is all over the scale. Where Consoles tend to have a fairly stabile in quality, but often offers less in innovation.
So technically it comes down to the genres you like, which is more important then the hardware you are looking at.
And then there are the possability of headaches with getting some games to run (greatly blown out of proportions here, usually takes a few mins to gat the game to run :S ).
Then there is the Mod wildcard, which can give you alot of hours out of games if you wish.
I would say "Have both" the price for games is not really a problem whatsoever, If you can love DD then Steam Alone will have a major sale atleast 3 times per year, where games are sold for really cheap, so if you buy the bulk of your PC games, and exclusives there, then there are more tehn enough money left for Exclusives on said Console aswell ^^ (its what I do anyways, works wonders :P)
Ofcourse in the time Its taken me to write this, I imagine that the same thing have been said a few dozen times allready, but *shrug* better to be safe then sorry :P
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