enjoy locked down software
I don't understand.
DRM and non-refundable DD.This topic is locked from further discussion.
enjoy locked down software
I don't understand.
DRM and non-refundable DD.[QUOTE="tjricardo089"][QUOTE="dontshackzmii"]
enjoy locked down software
I don't understand.
DRM and non-refundable DD.Non-refundable DD ain't a problem for me. About the DRM, well it's a con about PC gaming. The other pros cover that.
STFU, heeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeee, no one likes you or your stupid alt.
Yeah, that sums that loser up perfectly.
final fantasy is for casuals nobody gave a **** about it untll ps1 era.
Yeah, that sums that loser up perfectly.
final fantasy is for casuals nobody gave a **** about it untll ps1 era.
Makes no sense at all, you should be banned.
thanks for proving my point.[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"][QUOTE="wewantdoom4now"]
ur a troll casual trying to piss off old school gamer.
Yea ur pissing off someone who's bought more consoles and bought all these gaming mags in the 90s was a hardcore gamer and was pc gamer.
Who should be pissing who off?
You seem oddly entitled to getting pissed off.
Newsflash peon, spending money on games in the past does not earn your "cred" in SW. We deal with the here and now. You can find the Legacy Platforms forums somewhere between no man's land and Primary Games Discussion. Though you do make insulting a fun little hobby for me, stick around.
ive been pc gaming since 1994 these people on here will lie and say they started pc gaming before me just to make themself not look like a noob.
The whole reason i started pc gaming because the platform offered experiences and exclusive games that could not be found on a console.
even if developer support were to drop from the pc entirely, i'd still recommend pc gaming simply due to the huge pre-existing library.
ive been pc gaming since 1994 these people on here will lie and say they started pc gaming before me just to make themself not look like a noob.
Funny, that's when I started and I still like PC gaming. You wanna talk about the good old days with cousin Neon?
ive been pc gaming since 1994 these people on here will lie and say they started pc gaming before me just to make themself not look like a noob.
Funny, that's when I started and I still like PC gaming. You wanna talk about the good old days with cousin Neon?
That's about when I started as well, and while I miss those days, they aren't coming back.[QUOTE="tjricardo089"]
no its just the pc has no quality first person shooters anymore that are exclusive.
I understood nothing. You should learn a litte bit of grammar first.
That's why games suck now nobody can comprehend how fps are supposed to be played.
1. Quake, Counter Strike, and Warsow (look it up) to name a few. Nuff said.
2. I don't own a gaming PC yet, but I can say that when I have played on a M/K setup, it's a lot more fun. Yes that is a statement of pure opinion, but it's no different from what you said.
There are many PC games that are developed by independent mid-tier developers. I dislike classifying them as indie because that term has come to mean something a little different it seems.
There are plenty of glorious games on the PC with a budget high enough to produce a game with a lot of content, but just not quite enough to polish it all off. Games like EYE, or Hard Reset, or Mount and Blade fit into those categories.
A writer for Gamespot recently wrote a great article that fits well. It's definitely worth a read.
While it's main focus is on how we look at the score "6.0" there's a message to be told of how many low-scoring games didn't score low because the game was bad, but rather because they lack the polish of the AAA titles.
So it's really up to you.
The decision was easy for me. In the reality of things the consoles don't get that many more big-budget games than the PC does. Maybe five or so in a good year. But on the other hand the PC will get dozens of more exclusives to itself from that "Mid-Tier" section of gaming, and on top of that HUNDREDS of indie titles.
Only make the jump if you can invest a little extra time in learning what's available. There's really no business in buying a gaming PC if you just want to play the high-budget games.
I'll probably buy the Gaming PC and keep the console to play the exclusives, but it will be a bad day if the exclusives surpass the pc games, one day. Unlikely, I know but could happen, with publishers like Ubisoft that hates PC gamers and calls us criminals and gives us awful DRMs
This is what I do. I game on my PC and keep the PS3 and Wii around for their respective exclusives.
You mentioned cost as a problem while being in college. I am working on earning my Master's degree right now, which aint cheap, and the PC gaming is not expensive at all. Typically, PC games are cheaper and also become so much faster than console games (even on the Wii).
If you need some advice on parts or anything PC related, hit up the PC hardware forums. Good luck with the PC and have fun.
pc games back in the day didnt even ship with cd keys like quake 1996.
**** people who ruined pc gaming for the legitimate gamers.
What do you mean? Both Quake 1 and 2 required the cd in the drive upon release. It's usually after the 1st or 2nd patch when the need to have the cd in the drive was dropped. It's the same thing with Doom 3. Requiring the CD was still a form of copy protection. Then there's the code wheels, word lookup in the manual, etc.
I'm mainly a console owner and most of the games I buy are 20$ or less as well and I don't have to waste Bandwidth or redownload my games. Your main issue with PC gaming is going to be able to run everything, If you got the cash to build a beast of a machine every 2-3 years, Go for it but if you can't forget it. Remember Minimum System requirements = Unplayable don't bother buying games that you don't have Required System requirements for. For instance Skyrim plays great on a Xbox 360 almost as good on a PC beast but try playing Skyrim on a 5 year old machine that's supposedly more powerful than a Xbox 360 FYI it's not going to work.Dude, since I have been (trying) to PC game I have bought so many big name titles for Cheap Prices, it's insane.
The only PC game that I have actually bought for $60 was The Old Republic. Everything else I have bought has been around $20 or lower.
It's a very good decision. The ONLY thing I recommend you doing is building your own PC seeing as I'm having trouble with my stuff because half of it was from an Emachine.
Worked for a good week but now it's going crazy on me.
ive been pc gaming since 1994 these people on here will lie and say they started pc gaming before me just to make themself not look like a noob.
1994? Pfffft. He He.;)
I've been gaming since the Tandy 1000SX, Commodore Amiga and C-128 era and I know people who's been gaming longer than me. They're the ones who got me going on PC gaming.
See? I even kept a pic of my first DIY from 1992. 5.25" and 3.5" floppies, 1x CD-ROM, 14" Packard Hell monitor. State of the art.:lol:
pc games back in the day didnt even ship with cd keys like quake 1996.
**** people who ruined pc gaming for the legitimate gamers.
What do you mean? Both Quake 1 and 2 required the cd in the drive upon release. It's usually after the 1st or 2nd patch when the need to have the cd in the drive was dropped. It's the same thing with Doom 3. Requiring the CD was still a form of copy protection. Then there's the code wheels, word lookup in the manual, etc.
lol they were patched.
quake had no cd key doom3 required cd in drive at first plus cd key.
game developers dont even trust pc gamers anymore because of these **** douchebag buttpirates
ive been pc gaming since 1994 these people on here will lie and say they started pc gaming before me just to make themself not look like a noob.
1994? Pfffft. He He.;)
I've been gaming since the Tandy 1000SX, Commodore Amiga and C-128 era and I know people who's been gaming longer than me. They're the ones who got me going on PC gaming.
See? I even kept a pic of my first DIY from 1992. 5.25" and 3.5" floppies, 1x CD-ROM, 14" Packard Hell monitor. State of the art.:lol:
tandys sucked any real pc gamer knows that.
Most multiplats are on Windows. The ones that are not are usually lower budget and/or less popular.
Dark Soul
L.A. Noire
Mortal Kombat
Ninja Gaiden Games
Tekken 6
Catherine Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Shadows of the Damned
Madden NFL 11
Dante's Inferno
NHL 11
Fight Night Champion
Marvel vs. Capcom
Yep PCs not missing anything /eyeroll.
PC gaming is ok..there are issues you will have to deal with no matter what anyone will say. The good thing with pc is if anything breaks, you can fix it. Usually free mods,maps,ect. AND mostly free to play online..thats about all i'll say.
pc games back in the day didnt even ship with cd keys like quake 1996.
**** people who ruined pc gaming for the legitimate gamers.
What do you mean? Both Quake 1 and 2 required the cd in the drive upon release. It's usually after the 1st or 2nd patch when the need to have the cd in the drive was dropped. It's the same thing with Doom 3. Requiring the CD was still a form of copy protection. Then there's the code wheels, word lookup in the manual, etc.
lol they were patched.
quake had no cd key like doom3 which required cd in drive at first plus cd key.
game developers dont even trust pc gamers anymore because of these **** douchebag buttpirates
My bad. Quake..... awesome game audio by Nine Inch Nails. I used to put the game CD in the CD player of my boombox and it'll actually play the music part.
If you are a fps genre gamer dont even bother with pc unless u just want prettier graphics on multiplats.
developers sold out on pc gamers to create casual games.
You mean if you want better graphics, better preformance, mods, customizability and more freedom? Yea, I'll stick with pc. Although I am seriously thinking about getting a ps3. I'll grab one when the school year is over.
Hello guys. So I've always played on the console right, Playstation to be more precise. But, I think I grew tired of it or maybe is the fear that Sony might go bankrupt, so I tried pc gaming on my buddy's pc. I've always heard that PC was cool, but damn that was beast. I played Crysis 2 and it is 10x better than the console version. My biggest fear on choosing the PC as my main gaming system is that «big developers might want to develop exclusively for console and leave the pc behind», we would still have indie games but big budget games are awesome most of the time.
Any advices, wise hermits?
Even if you don't game, most people need a computer.
For school, work, finding jobs, e-mail, ebay, resume, etc
Console is something you ADD to that.
As you get older you will come to understand that to everything there is a season.
When I got a 360 in 2008, the plan was a 5 year run.
It's not gonna be around forever. It's a temporary party, and so far its been a blast.
Going forward into the future, the plan is to beat the schit out of hardware you already own, play it until the transistors melt and the factories shut down.
THEN when it's time to choose hardware for the next 3-5 years, find something that already has a couple of price cuts, with a large cheap backlog, and that's your next party.
It's like Skyrim.
If you buy it first day, it's $60 and bugridden.
If you buy it next year, it's $30 and has 12 patches and 800 mods. It's eminently superior.
The only thing is you have to learn to ignore the HYPE, because the HYPE is what f*cks you up with bad purchasing decisions.
The HYPE is why you are sitting here having doubts.
While I was away from PC gaming, the price of Microsoft Flight Sim X went down by $70, and there's dozens of hot new series I've never even tried.
Are we learning yet?
Multiplatform gamers can play these big corporations off against each other, allowing them to cut each others throats.
Getting the older, established hardware at its peak with the big cheap library.
While the guinea pigs run off to buy the latest greatest vid card for $550.
I'll be there 2 years later to pick it up for $150.
While dummies rush ahead to buy the Xbox720, I'll be playing the PS3 backlog for $10-$20 each.
While dummies rush ahead to buy the PS4, I'll be on the PC playing Starcraft 2 and SWTOR.
While dummies rush ahead to buy the next Nvidia card, I'll pick up the latest price cut console and its backlog.
This can only happen when you ignore the HYPE and marketing.
Only one thing is certain.
You need a computer.
Since you're typing this you already have one.
So just use your PS3 for now and beat the schit out of it. Rent games. Rent blu-rays. Use it until it dies.
Then for the next 3-5 years you upgrade your computer and play that.
Then for the next 3-5 years you pick up a 720.
And so on and so on.
Ignore the marketing.
Let companies kill each other, then you swoop in to eat their corpses.
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