I've been reading since Swords & Soliders on WiiWare got AAe, that downloadable games don't count, apparently SW decided this, and you know what i say? BS.
Thats how you repay the people who made a good Tower Defense game called Comet Crash? They can't get their game to retail, they get it to PSN, make the best game they can make, and you repay them with spiting in their face saying their game doesn't count when reviewing what good games are on the platform its on.
Thats silly. Just coz a game is smaller in scope, smaller in price, doesn't mean it shouldn't count. If games like Castle Crashers, Comet Crash, Swords & Soldiers can manage to outperform full retail titles we should not just accept them with our wallets, but with our opinions too.
You guys can go on with saying these games don't count, but if someone asks me "hey what games can i get only on Xbox 360 i can't get anywhere else that are really cool? like a game that will make me prooud to have chosen to buy this console over the other one since i couldn't afford both" i'd tell them get Castle Crashers, Geometry Wars 2.
And why not count downloadable PC games? Seriously. PC makes so much money off DL games. So if Burnout Paradise had never come out at retail, and i bought it on PSN it doesn't count? ("oh but its sold at stores it counts")
Anyone else think not counting Downloadable games towards a consoles's library is stupid?
We should accept all PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS, DSiware, WiiWare, Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network games. Coz no mater what the scope, size, price, of these games they can still kick enuff butt to get a 7 or a 9.5.
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