Which is the superior RPG?
I'll go with witcher 2.
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I thought Dragon Age, the series as a whole, is the most laughably bad thing this gen. Terrible acting, characters, graphics, music, you name it. My pc cannot run witcher 2, but it looks great.
Oh boy, not this again. There is even one huge Bioware fanboy who admitted Witcher 2 was better than Dragon Age 2. It is the black sheep of Bioware this gen. 110millionwho?
who?[QUOTE="110million"]Oh boy, not this again. There is even one huge Bioware fanboy who admitted Witcher 2 was better than Dragon Age 2. It is the black sheep of Bioware this gen. EggHeadMan
Forgot his name. :o
He makes giant walls of text about why Dragon Age 2 has the most complex story ever, but still admitted Witcher 2 was better.
ME2 is an RPG?[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"]Mass Effect 2 > The Witcher 2 > Dragon Age 2EggHeadMan
In that case...
Uncharted 2>ME2>Witcher2...DA2 sucks.
Dragon Age 2 isn't half as bad as people make it out to be. I really liked it, eventhoug I did prefer DA:O. I kind of like the combat better in Dragon Age 2 than The Witcher 2, but overall The Witcher 2 is a better game, although to me it's:
Dragon Age: Origins -> The Witcher 2 -> Dragon Age 2 -> The Witcher
They are both good! I was loving the Witcher 2 up until the ending though, it was very dissapointing for me, At least DAII managed to have a full story with a proper ending. Also, I still prefer the combat system of Dragon Age compared to the Witcher 1 and 2. But they are both great games in their own right, as both have their strenghts and weaknesses, and you know what, I tend to just enjoy games overall, if it's within a genre I like then I usually will enjoy it and find something to like about it rather than complain and whine like a bunch of little babies. I was able to enjoy FFXIII, DA2, ME2 this gen, so I just find more enjoyment out of games than most people.
[QUOTE="110million"]Oh boy, not this again. There is even one huge Bioware fanboy who admitted Witcher 2 was better than Dragon Age 2. It is the black sheep of Bioware this gen. 110million
Forgot his name. :o
He makes giant walls of text about why Dragon Age 2 has the most complex story ever, but still admitted Witcher 2 was better.
Though he did make pretty reasonable/excellent posts from time to time. His favorite RPG for instance is U4 it seems, at least when it comes to its influense.
ME2 is an RPG?[QUOTE="EggHeadMan"]
[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"]Mass Effect 2 > The Witcher 2 > Dragon Age 2Heirren
In that case...
Uncharted 2>ME2>Witcher2...DA2 sucks.
ME2 is better.The 3 people who voted on the poll are bioware fanboys, seeing as they are the only ones who actually voted for DA2 :lol:
Witcher 2 is the champion by a mile. Dragon age 1 vs. The witcher is a better example. And I would still choose the witcher 2 (witcher gets a 9.5, DA a 9.0, Da2 a 7.5).
I actually liked Dragon Age II. But from the very little I've played of The Witcher 2, it's a better game. It fixed virtually all of the problems I had with the first game.
Dragon Age 2,the ending completely ruined Witcher 2 for me.
Finally someone else noticed that CDPR dropped the ball on the ending.
ME2 is an RPG?[QUOTE="EggHeadMan"]
[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"]Mass Effect 2 > The Witcher 2 > Dragon Age 2Heirren
In that case...
Uncharted 2>ME2>Witcher2...DA2 sucks.
And while we are being ridiculous in comparisons JD and Coke > Vodka Redbull> Spicy Tuna Roll > ME2 > UC2...[QUOTE="Whiteblade999"]
Bioware hasn't done a good RPG since Baldur's Gate 2 so this list isn't even fair.
This post is depressing.
Don't think you've even played Baldur's Gate 2 for very long either.
Let me guess, you tried to play it but could not figure it out, didn't want to bother?
Which is the superior RPG?
I'll go with witcher 2.
not even a competition, dragon age 2 is a mediocre game
Dragon Age 2,the ending completely ruined Witcher 2 for me.
Finally someone else noticed that CDPR dropped the ball on the ending.
yeah because the ending of dragon age 2 was any better lol, at least witcher 2 does everything else great, dragon age 2 the only thing it got right was the tag of bioware in it
Dragon Age 2,the ending completely ruined Witcher 2 for me.
Finally someone else noticed that CDPR dropped the ball on the ending.
It's the second game in what is obviously a 3 game story, there was nothing wrong with the ending.[QUOTE="ryangcnx-2"][QUOTE="UnknownSniper65"]
Dragon Age 2,the ending completely ruined Witcher 2 for me.
Finally someone else noticed that CDPR dropped the ball on the ending.
It's the second game in what is obviously a 3 game story, there was nothing wrong with the ending.The ending in The witcher was like the end of a witcher book, its the end of 1 chapter preparing to start another. Dragon Age 2 was just as bad, it ends in the middle of major events, so technically its worse. In The Witcher 2, he solves his problems that he gained from the start of the game at the end. In Dragon Age 2, a lot is going on, and it just ends.
I haven't played TW2 much yet, but between the first Witcher and both DA:O/DA 2, I'd give the edge to The Witcher. I will say this though, DA 2 held my attention longer without me getting into those boring moments where I had to take a break from the game. It's just too bad it kinda sucked as an RPG.
Between DA 2 and ME 2 going way too action-oriented, I'm kinda worried for ME 3.
not even a competition, dragon age 2 is a mediocre game
Dragon Age 2,the ending completely ruined Witcher 2 for me.
Finally someone else noticed that CDPR dropped the ball on the ending.
yeah because the ending of dragon age 2 was any better lol, at least witcher 2 does everything else great, dragon age 2 the only thing it got right was the tag of bioware in it
Lets see without going into spoilers the ending of the Witcher 2 "talk to this dude who explains the rest of the story and introduces new elements and this is literally the end of the game, lets watch this one guy ramble on" Might I also add the unreasponsive controls with the gamepad, as well as some huge uneven diffuculty spikes. Its a great game, but it has it's flaws. DAII I personally thought had a better told ending and I prefer the combat system, but suffered from recycled levels and limited equipment for the party. Their both great games but each has some flaws was the point I was making and the ending of TW2 was ultimately my biggest complaint with the game. Overall though I still think I enjoyed DAII more, but both are highly rated for me. I don't follow the lets hate bandwagon.
Finally someone else noticed that CDPR dropped the ball on the ending.
yeah because the ending of dragon age 2 was any better lol, at least witcher 2 does everything else great, dragon age 2 the only thing it got right was the tag of bioware in it
Lets see without going into spoilers the ending of the Witcher 2 "talk to this dude who explains the rest of the story and introduces new elements and this is literally the end of the game, lets watch this one guy ramble on" Might I also add the unreasponsive controls with the gamepad, as well as some huge uneven diffuculty spikes. Its a great game, but it has it's flaws. DAII I personally thought had a better told ending and I prefer the combat system, but suffered from recycled levels and limited equipment for the party. Their both great games but each has some flaws was the point I was making and the ending of TW2 was ultimately my biggest complaint with the game. Overall though I still think I enjoyed DAII more, but both are highly rated for me. I don't follow the lets hate bandwagon.
i dont follow the "lets hate" bandwagon they just happen to go the same way when it comes with dragon age 2, horrible textures, bad written dialogue, bland scenarios, lack of effort in almost every way, recicled enviroments, "the story" was a big pile of uselesss grab and come back useless quests, trying to hard with the companions ended up with a group of failures, every time hawke talked i wanted to slap him at how brain damaged the dialogues were, the same 3 models of armors the whole game, combat was just button mashing gameplay. Need i say more?
Bioware hasn't done a good RPG since Baldur's Gate 2 so this list isn't even fair.
This post is depressing.
Don't think you've even played Baldur's Gate 2 for very long either.
Finished it in 2008 when I did a run-through of the whole saga. Was my first time playing the first game and Throne of Bhaal and the first time actually finishing Baldur's Gate 2. Took me something like 150 or 160 hours and I loved pretty much every minute of it. It lacked strong choice and consequence but the writing was actually good and the attempts at romance were really well done, Viconia in particular.
Lets take a look at their other games ignoring ME2 and DA2 shall we?
Neverwinter Nights Original Campaign: Feels more like Diablo because the emphasis is on the action with a throw away story.
Neverwinter Nights Shadows of Undertide: Better in story but it lacks the drive of a strong RPG.
Neverwinter Nights Hordes of the Underdark: This is probably Bioware's best attempt at making another RPG. The only problem I had was the epic level DnD stuff. It felt out of place and that sort of stuff should be left out unless you can put it into perspective like Baldur's Gate 2 did.
Just a note I really like Neverwinter Nights on a whole but its more a toolset then an RPG. I'm judging these purely by how good they are as RPGs and not games. If we added user-made campaigns I would say that this one is easily their best work.
Knights of the Old Republic: This is when they started pushing the romances on you. Gone are the well done ones of Baldur's Gate 2 and instead we are left with some annoying pilot who constantly whines to my player character. After telling him to shut it he insists on continuing.
Then you have the story. I get this is supposed to be Star Wars here but try something else besides light and dark side, morality bars are NOT cool in RPGs. Its supposed to be me who decides what is right and wrong and not the game. The plot twist was something I expected and would have been better had there not been strong foreshadowing for it.
Jade Empire: Not much to say since everyone agrees this is their weakest game.
Mass Effect: Again with the forced romances that feel tacky and the morality bar. Story wasn't bad here but the braindead AI mates made the game almost unplayable. Pausing sometimes is OK but when the AI is better in Baldur's Gate 2 something is wrong.
Dragon Age: A throwback to Baldur's Gate? :lol: Laughable story (don't even get me started on the final boss), forced romances and you guessed it, the morality bar (except for it was gift based this time). Then you have how the game blatantly ripped off of Europe in some really untasteful ways and its ugh.
I would have called this a good game (I really liked the characters, writing and battles) if it wasn't for one thing. The DLC merchant. I preordered this, loaded it up, and a few hours in I see a guy in my camp offering me a quest. Of course I try to take it from him. But no, it takes me to a DLC store... Words cannot describe how pissed off this made me and I don't think I've had a worse first impression in a game except maybe Hellgate London.
I'll have to get back to you on Mass Effect 2. I'm waiting for a bundle with 2 + 3 because of how much the first one left a sour taste in my mouth with the AI.
Bioware hasn't done a good RPG since Baldur's Gate 2 so this list isn't even fair.
This post is depressing.
Don't think you've even played Baldur's Gate 2 for very long either.
Finished it in 2008 when I did a run-through of the whole saga. Was my first time playing the first game and Throne of Bhaal and the first time actually finishing Baldur's Gate 2. Took me something like 150 or 160 hours and I loved pretty much every minute of it. It lacked strong choice and consequence but the writing was actually good and the attempts at romance were really well done, Viconia in particular.
KotOR and Dragon Age forced romances on you, while Origins also distastefully ripped off Europe and its relationship meter was actually a morality bar in disguise. Did I get that right?
Yep, not bothering with this...
Finished it in 2008 when I did a run-through of the whole saga. Was my first time playing the first game and Throne of Bhaal and the first time actually finishing Baldur's Gate 2. Took me something like 150 or 160 hours and I loved pretty much every minute of it. It lacked strong choice and consequence but the writing was actually good and the attempts at romance were really well done, Viconia in particular.
Lets take a look at their other games ignoring ME2 and DA2 shall we?
Neverwinter Nights Original Campaign: Feels more like Diablo because the emphasis is on the action with a throw away story.
Neverwinter Nights Shadows of Undertide: Better in story but it lacks the drive of a strong RPG.
Neverwinter Nights Hordes of the Underdark: This is probably Bioware's best attempt at making another RPG. The only problem I had was the epic level DnD stuff. It felt out of place and that sort of stuff should be left out unless you can put it into perspective like Baldur's Gate 2 did.
Just a note I really like Neverwinter Nights on a whole but its more a toolset then an RPG. I'm judging these purely by how good they are as RPGs and not games. If we added user-made campaigns I would say that this one is easily their best work.
Knights of the Old Republic: This is when they started pushing the romances on you. Gone are the well done ones of Baldur's Gate 2 and instead we are left with some annoying pilot who constantly whines to my player character. After telling him to shut it he insists on continuing.
Then you have the story. I get this is supposed to be Star Wars here but try something else besides light and dark side, morality bars are NOT cool in RPGs. Its supposed to be me who decides what is right and wrong and not the game. The plot twist was something I expected and would have been better had there not been strong foreshadowing for it.
Jade Empire: Not much to say since everyone agrees this is their weakest game.
Mass Effect: Again with the forced romances that feel tacky and the morality bar. Story wasn't bad here but the braindead AI mates made the game almost unplayable. Pausing sometimes is OK but when the AI is better in Baldur's Gate 2 something is wrong.
Dragon Age: A throwback to Baldur's Gate? :lol: Laughable story (don't even get me started on the final boss), forced romances and you guessed it, the morality bar (except for it was gift based this time). Then you have how the game blatantly ripped off of Europe in some really untasteful ways and its ugh.
I would have called this a good game (I really liked the characters, writing and battles) if it wasn't for one thing. The DLC merchant. I preordered this, loaded it up, and a few hours in I see a guy in my camp offering me a quest. Of course I try to take it from him. But no, it takes me to a DLC store... Words cannot describe how pissed off this made me and I don't think I've had a worse first impression in a game except maybe Hellgate London.
I'll have to get back to you on Mass Effect 2. I'm waiting for a bundle with 2 + 3 because of how much the first one left a sour taste in my mouth with the AI.
I agree with your points, except for Jade Empire which I havent played. And I would like to add that Dragon Age: Origins also had terrible encounter design. That alone killed the game for me.
Mass Effect 2 has an equally stupid AI, both enemy and allied, I just put my allies somewhere safe so I could still use their powers. The enemy AI keeps shooting me even though I am behind a wall or chest high wall and makes no effort to flank me or otherwise challange me. I have played SNES games with better AI. Oh, and did I mention Shepard likes getting stuck in the air forcing you to reload?
yeah because the ending of dragon age 2 was any better lol, at least witcher 2 does everything else great, dragon age 2 the only thing it got right was the tag of bioware in it
Lets see without going into spoilers the ending of the Witcher 2 "talk to this dude who explains the rest of the story and introduces new elements and this is literally the end of the game, lets watch this one guy ramble on" Might I also add the unreasponsive controls with the gamepad, as well as some huge uneven diffuculty spikes. Its a great game, but it has it's flaws. DAII I personally thought had a better told ending and I prefer the combat system, but suffered from recycled levels and limited equipment for the party. Their both great games but each has some flaws was the point I was making and the ending of TW2 was ultimately my biggest complaint with the game. Overall though I still think I enjoyed DAII more, but both are highly rated for me. I don't follow the lets hate bandwagon.
i dont follow the "lets hate" bandwagon they just happen to go the same way when it comes with dragon age 2, horrible textures, bad written dialogue, bland scenarios, lack of effort in almost every way, recicled enviroments, "the story" was a big pile of uselesss grab and come back useless quests, trying to hard with the companions ended up with a group of failures, every time hawke talked i wanted to slap him at how brain damaged the dialogues were, the same 3 models of armors the whole game, combat was just button mashing gameplay. Need i say more?
Did you play and enjoy the orignal Witcher? Because if you did then you are a hypocrite. Also exactly how was combat button mashing, it played exactly like 1 but sped up on the PC and it was patched for consoles to add auto attack. There are more different armor designs in dragon age 2 than there are in the Witcher 2, I personally like the dialog options and the change of having a vioced hawk and many others did as well. How are the textures horrible exacly, they are better than most games oops, sorry, I didn't play it on a gpu from 2000, so maybe I was actually running textures on very high. The only legit thing you mentioned was recycled environments, but that is easily looked past.
I enjoyed the Witcher 1 even though it had horrible character models, awful voice acting, clunky combat, the same reused 5-10 character models for every character in the game, how most weapons looked alike, around 3 or so different armors. But I still really enjoyed it, because that stuff is mostly superficial, just like your reasons for hating dragon age 2. Every reason you hate DA2 is a reason why you should hate the first witcher. Now the second witcher yes cleared up some of these problems but still has rough edges like every other game including DAII and yes, you are on the hate bandwagon. There is a difference between playing a game and it's just not your thing, vs. you didn't like it so the games sucks. It's you didn't like it and thats that, because theres tons of people outside of these forums who actually like the game and there are things it did that were better than origins and a few that weren't, but it was no where near a horrible game that the few of you seem to make it out to be.
I don't care if you didn't like game, but just because you didn't like the game doesn't mean it sucks and its the worst game in the world. There are many people who actually enjoyed it. They are different rpgs, its like trying to compare The witcher series to Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior, they are widely different and there will be people who don't like something, but again, just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it sucks.
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