Can't wait for Aug. 6th :D
Hopefully this game sells well enough to propel Vanillaware to greater heights. Â They've made some good stuff, been teetering on the brink for awhile.
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I'm not waiting for this.
Gonna import asap.
Oil up, I'm coming for ya.
Takes around 5 and a half hours to unlock online co op, so I'll be ready and moist.[QUOTE="Xaero_Gravity"]
Takes around 5 and a half hours to unlock online co op, so I'll be ready and moist.Sagem28
Our enemies shall fall and our boobs shall bounce.
No boobs for me. Someone has to balance the level of testosterone in our group.Just when i was about to start regreting investing in a Vita recently, i found out about this game that gives nostalgia to old days of Golden Axe, Streets of Rage (same developers). Then there is Killzone Mercenery coming, getting excited for sure now, oooh also add me up on the Vita for some coop
PSN: tosyn_88
At this point I think Im the only one who likes the art of the game. And no the reason I like the art is not because of OMG boobs, its because I like games with cartoony-anime art design in general
6 more days till i join the elf master race
I'll try all characters but my favs so far are Dwarf, Sorceress & Warrior :)
[QUOTE="lilnazar"]Nope lol. Only PS3 & Vita lol.lilnazar
Sure. But still, it wont come for the PC. :lol:Â Keep trying herms.:|
*facepalm*6.5 polygon flop
haha reviewed by stupid feminist who had personal problems how game displays women
[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]Well, except that Polygon review. Lol polygon. Arent they the peeps who changed their Sim City review score multiple times? :P After that I just sort of started ignoring themThe game is getting some pretty good reviews all over the place.Trail_Mix
What I find funny is that this game gets criticized for having sexualized woman yet still nobody complains about Final Fantasy XV having sexualized males.
Talk about having double standards
[QUOTE="Xaero_Gravity"][QUOTE="Sagem28"]Takes around 5 and a half hours to unlock online co op, so I'll be ready and moist. You have to unlock co-op? Just for online. Local is available right from the start in the PS3 version. So Eroica and I will be stopping by on Tuesday.Oil up, I'm coming for ya.
At least the people grading the game based on mechanics all seem to be liking it.
From a mechanical view the game seems visually stunning. Its artistic merits are subjective and should be left the hell alone. Employ your freedom of speech like any good writer would, but a personal distaste for boobies should not be considered objectively detrimental. Games are art, but their art is not the game... If that makes any sense.
And that's before considering how absurd it is to be offended by digital skin, which is a rather deep rabbit hole...
[QUOTE="Sagem28"]Comes out on Tuesday in the U.S. Not much of a wait.I'm not waiting for this.
Gonna import asap.
Hell there seem to be enough places who broke the street date in the US as it is... plenty of people playing the American version already.
What I find funny is that this game gets criticized for having sexualized woman yet still nobody complains about Final Fantasy XV having sexualized males.
Talk about having double standards
Cause men don't care
Comes out on Tuesday in the U.S. Not much of a wait.[QUOTE="blackace"][QUOTE="Sagem28"]
I'm not waiting for this.
Gonna import asap.
Hell there seem to be enough places who broke the street date in the US as it is... plenty of people playing the American version already.
I'm not surprised. There are teens who work in these electronic stores like Best Buy, WalMart, Gamestop, etc.. who will either steal the game or buy it themselves before the street date and just go home and play it.It's getting beaten like a dead horse, so much so that the point they are trying to make is beginning to get criticized, because people are tired of having it forced down their throats on every gaming website, rather than being discussed rationally. I thought the Polygon review was well written; she at least argued her points better than Kotaku. She mentions that she doesn't have quite as big a beef with the Amazon and Witch because they are powerful female characters despite their bust/ass size; however, those weird almost fetish-y touching sequences got to her, and to be honest, they are weird. I'm not sure the exact context to them, but just going off of a video I saw, you're basically touching scantily clad women (who are chained up), men, and goblins and hearing them moan in pleasure.... it's just weird, and it doesn't seem to fit in the game. Anyway that's my two cents.Haven't we gone through this already with that big Dragon's Crown/Kotaku debacle? Don't see what more could possibly be brought to the table.
Just a personal gripe too, but the whole debate in the community surrounding this issue is getting pretty tiresome overall, you know what I mean?
Edit: Holy 4 edits
Hope this comes to PC eventually. I think I'll go start a petition for itBPoole96
That has about 0% chance
[QUOTE="BPoole96"]Hope this comes to PC eventually. I think I'll go start a petition for itloosingENDS
That has about 0% chance
Let him petition since thats what most if not all PC gamers do anwyays for every game that dosent come on PC :P
[QUOTE="BPoole96"]Hope this comes to PC eventually. I think I'll go start a petition for itfinalstar2007
That has about 0% chance
Let him petition since thats what most if not all PC gamers do anwyays for every game that dosent come on PC :P
should i show the "pc games to consoles petition" list?
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