I miss Sega so much :[ I owned the Sega Genesis/CD/32x, Game Gear, Saturn and Dreamcast. The Saturn did good in Japan but didn't go well in NA because of Sega of America dropping the ball, Bernie Stolar is a scum bag IMO.
Dreamcast was killed by the Sony hype machine, even though the PS2 didn't have much of anything to play for a year after the launch, and no online. Lack of EA games support and the huge piracy problem put the nail in the coffin for the Dreamcast.
The Dreamcast will never die to me, it's still hooked up in my room. As the last console made by Sega, I'm going to keep it for nostalgia.
Oh, and out of all those Sega consoles I listed, all still work and play great. As well as my Nintendo consoles, NES, Game Boy, SNES, GB Pocket, GB Color, N64, GB Advanced, Game Cube, GBA SP, Wii and DS/DS lite.
Sony on the other hand....Three Playstations failed on me, one PSone (still works), Three PS2s :/ (Not the slim, the original. I have the HDD for FFXI.), one PSP and one Playstation 3 still kicking.
Microsoft....one Xbox (works fine) and had to ship in my Xbox 360 2x. The first time they sent me my original console back, but the second I got a refurbished and it's been working fine since. This was after the 3 year warrenty was announced so hopefully they fixed the problem.
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