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I never had a Dreamcast but my next door neighbor did. Though I didn't have one some of its best games continued on to other systems.
Crazy Taxi
Phantasy Star Online
Skies of Arcadia
The 2K sports initially were on Gamecube
Dreamcast had a Hell of a lot of fighters though. Thank the lord all of the great 2D fighters were ported to xbox with online play
I think Gamecube was better because it just had a good number of AAA and great games not on any other system. Two GOTY year titles and even though it wasn't the best console it lasted a full cycle.Â
Which fighters ported from the Dreamcast had online on the Xbox? I don't think it's the mayority of the great fighters, even less all of them.I never had a Dreamcast but my next door neighbor did. Though I didn't have one some of its best games continued on to other systems.
Crazy Taxi
Phantasy Star Online
Skies of Arcadia
The 2K sports initially were on Gamecube
Dreamcast had a Hell of a lot of fighters though. Thank the lord all of the great 2D fighters were ported to xbox with online play
I think Gamecube was better because it just had a good number of AAA and great games not on any other system. Two GOTY year titles and even though it wasn't the best console it lasted a full cycle.
[QUOTE="Blackbond"]Which fighters ported from the Dreamcast had online on the Xbox? I don't think it's the mayority of the great fighters, even less all of them.I never had a Dreamcast but my next door neighbor did. Though I didn't have one some of its best games continued on to other systems.
Crazy Taxi
Phantasy Star Online
Skies of Arcadia
The 2K sports initially were on Gamecube
Dreamcast had a Hell of a lot of fighters though. Thank the lord all of the great 2D fighters were ported to xbox with online play
I think Gamecube was better because it just had a good number of AAA and great games not on any other system. Two GOTY year titles and even though it wasn't the best console it lasted a full cycle.
They were more or less compilations. Street Fighter 3rd Strike came in from the Anniversary collection, SNK Capcom, it also got Marvel vs Capcom 2 but sadly no online. It didn't get games like Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure and others though but it got a lot of Capcoms big 2D offerings and a nice Guilty Gear game. Why the hell is the Street Fighter Alpah Anthology not on xbox with live play? No Street Fighter Alpha love for the xbox. To my knowledge anyways.Â
[QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Which fighters ported from the Dreamcast had online on the Xbox? I don't think it's the mayority of the great fighters, even less all of them.I never had a Dreamcast but my next door neighbor did. Though I didn't have one some of its best games continued on to other systems.
Crazy Taxi
Phantasy Star Online
Skies of Arcadia
The 2K sports initially were on Gamecube
Dreamcast had a Hell of a lot of fighters though. Thank the lord all of the great 2D fighters were ported to xbox with online play
I think Gamecube was better because it just had a good number of AAA and great games not on any other system. Two GOTY year titles and even though it wasn't the best console it lasted a full cycle.
They were more or less compilations. Street Fighter 3rd Strike came in from the Anniversary collection, SNK Capcom, it also got Marvel vs Capcom 2 but sadly no online. It didn't get games like Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure and others though but it got a lot of Capcoms big 2D offerings and a nice Guilty Gear game. Why the hell is the Street Fighter Alpah Anthology not on xbox with live play? No Street Fighter Alpha love for the xbox. To my knowledge anyways.
All of Capcom's fighters except Power Stone were online on the Dreamcast, but sadly only in Japan, they were supposedly ways to sign up for an account outside of Japan, but I never even bothered looking into that as it was overly complicated.[QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Which fighters ported from the Dreamcast had online on the Xbox? I don't think it's the mayority of the great fighters, even less all of them.I never had a Dreamcast but my next door neighbor did. Though I didn't have one some of its best games continued on to other systems.
Crazy Taxi
Phantasy Star Online
Skies of Arcadia
The 2K sports initially were on Gamecube
Dreamcast had a Hell of a lot of fighters though. Thank the lord all of the great 2D fighters were ported to xbox with online play
I think Gamecube was better because it just had a good number of AAA and great games not on any other system. Two GOTY year titles and even though it wasn't the best console it lasted a full cycle.
They were more or less compilations. Street Fighter 3rd Strike came in from the Anniversary collection, SNK Capcom, it also got Marvel vs Capcom 2 but sadly no online. It didn't get games like Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure and others though but it got a lot of Capcoms big 2D offerings and a nice Guilty Gear game. Why the hell is the Street Fighter Alpah Anthology not on xbox with live play? No Street Fighter Alpha love for the xbox. To my knowledge anyways.
All of Capcom's fighters except Power Stone were online on the Dreamcast, but sadly only in Japan, they were supposedly ways to sign up for an account outside of Japan, but I never even bothered looking into that as it was overly complicated.Yeah I heard about that. We tried looking into it to thinking it might be cool to play other people besides eachother but like you said it was a Japanese exclusive thing and we didn't even have Broadband at the time. I'm assuming you needed the Dreamcast Broadband adapter to play online with the fighters?Â
Yeah I heard about that. We tried looking into it to thinking it might be cool to play other people besides eachother but like you said it was a Japanese exclusive thing and we didn't even have Broadband at the time. I'm assuming you needed the Dreamcast Broadband adapter to play online with the fighters?No, no broadband-only games were released that I'm aware of. Although it was obviously recommended.Â
[QUOTE="Riviera_Phantom"][QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="beldugo"][QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="beldugo"][QUOTE="SmashBrosLegend"]Gamecube, and this is coming from the leader of a Sega union. Gamecube was just too awesome.Panzer_Zwei
The Dreamcast just didn't lived up to the Saturn because it just didn't had the time, but as it stands, the Saturn had much more than what the Dreamcast offered, that's why it was a disappointment for me.
The Saturn had more quality games than the Dreamcast in every area.
i get mix feelings with saturn and dreamcast. the saturn had great great games but the dreamcast is way better. what saturn had best, dreamcast took and upgraded them. only a few titles never made it to dreamcast but does that did you know where great. like shenmue for example, the fighting games and etc.. still my original argument still stands, even though most of the titles where ported to other console you can still find does great games library on the dreamcast. if i where to tell you to buy a console with rival school and sonic 2 in their library what would you get? right the dreamcast. so, even though it died dreamcast > gamecube in all the genders except maybe the adventure gender, because all does great games you can still find them there and play them today. dreamcast still live.[QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="Riviera_Phantom"][QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="beldugo"][QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="beldugo"][QUOTE="SmashBrosLegend"]Gamecube, and this is coming from the leader of a Sega union. Gamecube was just too awesome.beldugo
The Dreamcast just didn't lived up to the Saturn because it just didn't had the time, but as it stands, the Saturn had much more than what the Dreamcast offered, that's why it was a disappointment for me.
The Saturn had more quality games than the Dreamcast in every area.
only a few titles never made it to dreamcast.Only a few? The Saturn had more games in every area. What were the big SEGA games of the Dreamcast? Shenmue, Jet Set Radio and Skies of Arcadia. You can't possibly compare that to all that SEGA put on the Saturn.I'm well aware of both systems libraries, In my opinion the Dreamcast doesn't compare to the Saturn.Â
games that Dc made it big: grandia made it big, shenmue made it big, ikaruga made it better than silver gun, jet set radio greatest, skies of arcadia its a example of better rpg, shooter Dc has better,Racing- sega gt, tokyo highway and more i cant remenber, fighting you know DC has better.Ikaruga made it better than Radiant Silvergun? Grandia II made it better than Grandia? Skies of Arcadia made it better than Panzer Dragon Saga?
i cant name all of them on saturn because all i can remember is favorites :P, but the only ones that never made it to dreamcast that where big where panzer dragon, burning rangers, shining force 3? forgot name, and nights.
dreamcast took over saturn man.. only game i can say its best on saturn is dragon force since its my favorite strategy game and i think there were only like 2 strategy game for DC.beldugo
Ikaruga was a huge dissapointment to Radiant Silvergun. They threw away the deepest system in a SHMUP to date even to this day to a gimmicky Silhouette Mirage fan-service feature with a highly stiff structure. Grandia was the Final Fantasy VII killer of the time, everybody said it was better than FFVII, even GS themselves. Grandia II was lucky if it got above 8.0 in most sites.
I'm not even gonna get into RPGs since the Dreamcast only got like 4 of them.
The Saturn made it in Japan while it flopped everywhere else. The Dreamcast flopped in Japan and it did well everwhere else, which really limited Japanese support it got compared to the Saturn.
Most of the Saturn games stayed in Japan, hence why it's understandable that most non-importers don't know about them, but the Saturn had a wider and more impressive library than the Dreamcast.
The Dreamcast really looked like it was gonna surpass the Saturn, and it could've had, everybody tought so, but it didn't lasted, and it just stands as it is.
I'm not trying to coarce your opinion though, if you like more the Dreamcast then that's that. But I had both systems in their actual lifetimes and bought the games as they were released, and the Saturn was just plain better.
But back on topic of the DC vs. GC, I'm on the DC side, but looking at it just one side is fanboyish, and it's not better than all the sheep that claim that 3 GOTYs > Jesus. People could like Nintendo games and couldn't care less about SEGA ones and vice -versa.Â
Ikaruga made it better than Radiant Silvergun? Grandia II made it better than Grandia? Skies of Arcadia made it better than Panzer Dragon Saga?[QUOTE="beldugo"]games that Dc made it big: grandia made it big, shenmue made it big, ikaruga made it better than silver gun, jet set radio greatest, skies of arcadia its a example of better rpg, shooter Dc has better,Racing- sega gt, tokyo highway and more i cant remenber, fighting you know DC has better.
i cant name all of them on saturn because all i can remember is favorites :P, but the only ones that never made it to dreamcast that where big where panzer dragon, burning rangers, shining force 3? forgot name, and nights.
dreamcast took over saturn man.. only game i can say its best on saturn is dragon force since its my favorite strategy game and i think there were only like 2 strategy game for DC.Panzer_Zwei
Ikaruga was a huge dissapointment to Radiant Silvergun. They threw away the deepest system in a SHMUP to date even to this day to a gimmicky Silhouette Mirage fan-service feature with a highly stiff structure. Grandia was the Final Fantasy VII killer of the time, everybody said it was better than FFVII, even GS themselves. Grandia II was lucky if it got above 8.0 in most sites.
I'm not even gonna get into RPGs since the Dreamcast only got like 4 of them.
The Saturn made it in Japan while it flopped everywhere else. The Dreamcast flopped in Japan and it did well everwhere else, which really limited Japanese support it got compared to the Saturn.
Most of the Saturn games stayed in Japan, hence why it's understandable that most non-importers don't know about them, but the Saturn had a wider and more impressive library than the Dreamcast.
The Dreamcast really looked like it was gonna surpass the Saturn, and it could've had, everybody tought so, but it didn't lasted, and it just stands as it is.
i'm sorry but dreamcast sold more than saturn. it is safe to say that dreamcast surpass the saturn, so its a better successor to the saturn. on games of which is better i can say i wont argue because the ones you posted where all great and i love them too. that is personal opinion right there. i believe that grandia 2 is better you say grandia 1 is better but overall which did better? Ikaruga brought a great system i loved it and i love radiant silver gun too. one question for you is Ikaruga bad? i haven't played panzer dragon saga my cd 1 came mess up... the rest work though :( , i still have it here and i know skies of arcadia is a great game. the one that actually flop was the saturn.[QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"]Ikaruga made it better than Radiant Silvergun? Grandia II made it better than Grandia? Skies of Arcadia made it better than Panzer Dragon Saga?[QUOTE="beldugo"]games that Dc made it big: grandia made it big, shenmue made it big, ikaruga made it better than silver gun, jet set radio greatest, skies of arcadia its a example of better rpg, shooter Dc has better,Racing- sega gt, tokyo highway and more i cant remenber, fighting you know DC has better.
i cant name all of them on saturn because all i can remember is favorites :P, but the only ones that never made it to dreamcast that where big where panzer dragon, burning rangers, shining force 3? forgot name, and nights.
dreamcast took over saturn man.. only game i can say its best on saturn is dragon force since its my favorite strategy game and i think there were only like 2 strategy game for DC.beldugo
Ikaruga was a huge dissapointment to Radiant Silvergun. They threw away the deepest system in a SHMUP to date even to this day to a gimmicky Silhouette Mirage fan-service feature with a highly stiff structure. Grandia was the Final Fantasy VII killer of the time, everybody said it was better than FFVII, even GS themselves. Grandia II was lucky if it got above 8.0 in most sites.
I'm not even gonna get into RPGs since the Dreamcast only got like 4 of them.
The Saturn made it in Japan while it flopped everywhere else. The Dreamcast flopped in Japan and it did well everwhere else, which really limited Japanese support it got compared to the Saturn.
Most of the Saturn games stayed in Japan, hence why it's understandable that most non-importers don't know about them, but the Saturn had a wider and more impressive library than the Dreamcast.
The Dreamcast really looked like it was gonna surpass the Saturn, and it could've had, everybody tought so, but it didn't lasted, and it just stands as it is.
i'm sorry but dreamcast sold more than saturn. it is safe to say that dreamcast surpass the saturn, so its a better successor to the saturn. on games of which is better i can say i wont argue because the ones you posted where all great and i love them too. that is personal opinion right there. i believe that grandia 2 is better you say grandia 1 is better but overall which did better? Ikaruga brought a great system i loved it and i love radiant silver gun too. one question for you is Ikaruga bad? i haven't played panzer dragon saga my cd 1 came mess up... the rest work though :( , i still have it here and i know skies of arcadia is a great game. the one that actually flop was the saturn.It sold only .6 million more. Actually the Dreamcast was more a economical failure than the Saturn despite the .6 difference that it isn't even relevant. How many of the % of sales total were bought by piracy users that never bought original software? A big chunk and it was a factor in the systems downfall. Also all of their big hitter titles flopped tremendously, specially Shenmue. While with the Saturn SEGA sponsored the popular Anime Evangelion which turned out to be a big success in Japan, Sakura Taisen also gave them big earnings, and in general they made much more money off the Saturn-era surprisingly. But even so, it's silly to try to measure the quality of a system based in sales to begin with.ff7 is my favorite rpg of all time its #1 on my list but i think grandia 2 gave it more competition than grandia 1 even though it came later, grandia 2 has better looking magic, and better fighting systems. cant say much about the story since i dont remenber it that well :P.beldugo
Story? What story? I played Grandia II to beat dat ass, power up and continue beatin dat ass. Its Battle system is the best turned based system ever imo but its story was crap.Â
ff7 is my favorite rpg of all time its #1 on my list but i think grandia 2 gave it more competition than grandia 1 even though it came later, grandia 2 has better looking magic, and better fighting systems. cant say much about the story since i dont remenber it that well :P.beldugoIt wasn't the intention to say what is better. I'm saying that when Grandia launched for the Saturn (same year than FF7) it was seen as a FFVII killer in Japan, and it was infamous because most sites said that expressively which isn't usual. Search for Grandia in this site, and you'll see the review headline says "Grandia beats Final Fantasy VII in all that ways that count". And that attitude of the time that what I was trying to point out, not discreting any of the games.
[QUOTE="beldugo"][QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"]Ikaruga made it better than Radiant Silvergun? Grandia II made it better than Grandia? Skies of Arcadia made it better than Panzer Dragon Saga?[QUOTE="beldugo"]games that Dc made it big: grandia made it big, shenmue made it big, ikaruga made it better than silver gun, jet set radio greatest, skies of arcadia its a example of better rpg, shooter Dc has better,Racing- sega gt, tokyo highway and more i cant remenber, fighting you know DC has better.
i cant name all of them on saturn because all i can remember is favorites :P, but the only ones that never made it to dreamcast that where big where panzer dragon, burning rangers, shining force 3? forgot name, and nights.
dreamcast took over saturn man.. only game i can say its best on saturn is dragon force since its my favorite strategy game and i think there were only like 2 strategy game for DC.Panzer_Zwei
Ikaruga was a huge dissapointment to Radiant Silvergun. They threw away the deepest system in a SHMUP to date even to this day to a gimmicky Silhouette Mirage fan-service feature with a highly stiff structure. Grandia was the Final Fantasy VII killer of the time, everybody said it was better than FFVII, even GS themselves. Grandia II was lucky if it got above 8.0 in most sites.
I'm not even gonna get into RPGs since the Dreamcast only got like 4 of them.
The Saturn made it in Japan while it flopped everywhere else. The Dreamcast flopped in Japan and it did well everwhere else, which really limited Japanese support it got compared to the Saturn.
Most of the Saturn games stayed in Japan, hence why it's understandable that most non-importers don't know about them, but the Saturn had a wider and more impressive library than the Dreamcast.
The Dreamcast really looked like it was gonna surpass the Saturn, and it could've had, everybody tought so, but it didn't lasted, and it just stands as it is.
i'm sorry but dreamcast sold more than saturn. it is safe to say that dreamcast surpass the saturn, so its a better successor to the saturn. on games of which is better i can say i wont argue because the ones you posted where all great and i love them too. that is personal opinion right there. i believe that grandia 2 is better you say grandia 1 is better but overall which did better? Ikaruga brought a great system i loved it and i love radiant silver gun too. one question for you is Ikaruga bad? i haven't played panzer dragon saga my cd 1 came mess up... the rest work though :( , i still have it here and i know skies of arcadia is a great game. the one that actually flop was the saturn.It sold only .6 million more. Actually the Dreamcast was more a economical failure than the Saturn despite the .6 difference that it isn't even relevant. How many of the % of sales total were bought by piracy users that never bought original software? A big chunk and it was a factor in the systems downfall. Also all of their big hitter titles flopped tremendously, specially Shenmue. While with the Saturn SEGA sponsored the popular Anime Evangelion which turned out to be a big success in Japan, Sakura Taisen also gave them big earnings, and in general they made much more money off the Saturn-era surprisingly. But even so, it's silly to try to measure the quality of a system based in sales to begin with. well i'm just showing you that dreamcast was a better successor it did not flop even if the difference was 600,000 consoles and even if sega's downfall was piracy the games appeal to 600,000 consumers more than the saturn. i am one of does 10.6mill consumers that think dreamcast is better. you could pirate saturn games too by the way even though it was easier for Dc it was still out there.[QUOTE="beldugo"]ff7 is my favorite rpg of all time its #1 on my list but i think grandia 2 gave it more competition than grandia 1 even though it came later, grandia 2 has better looking magic, and better fighting systems. cant say much about the story since i dont remenber it that well :P.Blackbond
Story? What story? I played Grandia II to beat dat ass, power up and continue beatin dat ass. Its Battle system is the best turned based system ever imo but its story was crap.
i did say i don't remember grandia 2 story. i dont even remember part 1.[QUOTE="beldugo"]ff7 is my favorite rpg of all time its #1 on my list but i think grandia 2 gave it more competition than grandia 1 even though it came later, grandia 2 has better looking magic, and better fighting systems. cant say much about the story since i dont remenber it that well :P.Panzer_ZweiIt wasn't the intention to say what is better. I'm saying that when Grandia launched for the Saturn (same year than FF7) it was seen as a FFVII killer in Japan, and it was infamous because most sites said that expressively which isn't usual. Search for Grandia in this site, and you'll see the review headline says "Grandia beats Final Fantasy VII in all that ways that count". And that attitude of the time that what I was trying to point out, not discreting any of the games. reviewers and critics are like us, human with an opinion.. they are no different. i don't need a review to tell me which i enjoy the most.
[QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="beldugo"][QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"]Ikaruga made it better than Radiant Silvergun? Grandia II made it better than Grandia? Skies of Arcadia made it better than Panzer Dragon Saga?[QUOTE="beldugo"]games that Dc made it big: grandia made it big, shenmue made it big, ikaruga made it better than silver gun, jet set radio greatest, skies of arcadia its a example of better rpg, shooter Dc has better,Racing- sega gt, tokyo highway and more i cant remenber, fighting you know DC has better.
i cant name all of them on saturn because all i can remember is favorites :P, but the only ones that never made it to dreamcast that where big where panzer dragon, burning rangers, shining force 3? forgot name, and nights.
dreamcast took over saturn man.. only game i can say its best on saturn is dragon force since its my favorite strategy game and i think there were only like 2 strategy game for DC.beldugo
Ikaruga was a huge dissapointment to Radiant Silvergun. They threw away the deepest system in a SHMUP to date even to this day to a gimmicky Silhouette Mirage fan-service feature with a highly stiff structure. Grandia was the Final Fantasy VII killer of the time, everybody said it was better than FFVII, even GS themselves. Grandia II was lucky if it got above 8.0 in most sites.
I'm not even gonna get into RPGs since the Dreamcast only got like 4 of them.
The Saturn made it in Japan while it flopped everywhere else. The Dreamcast flopped in Japan and it did well everwhere else, which really limited Japanese support it got compared to the Saturn.
Most of the Saturn games stayed in Japan, hence why it's understandable that most non-importers don't know about them, but the Saturn had a wider and more impressive library than the Dreamcast.
The Dreamcast really looked like it was gonna surpass the Saturn, and it could've had, everybody tought so, but it didn't lasted, and it just stands as it is.
The Attach rate was much higher in the Saturn and they made more money on the Saturn than with the Dreamcast. Try and explain how their big budget games flopped tremendously if they were according to you more popular than on the Saturn.
Shenmue was the most expensive game ever created with a cost of $70 million dollars and it was their biggest failure ever. SEGA lost more money on the Dreamcast than what they did with the Saturn and that's a fact. So I fail to see how it was the Dreamcast more successful.
Hell they had Segata Sashiro with the Saturn which was a craze in Japan.
I think it's pretty obvious it was a much popular system there.
[QUOTE="beldugo"][QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="beldugo"][QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"]Ikaruga made it better than Radiant Silvergun? Grandia II made it better than Grandia? Skies of Arcadia made it better than Panzer Dragon Saga?[QUOTE="beldugo"]games that Dc made it big: grandia made it big, shenmue made it big, ikaruga made it better than silver gun, jet set radio greatest, skies of arcadia its a example of better rpg, shooter Dc has better,Racing- sega gt, tokyo highway and more i cant remenber, fighting you know DC has better.
i cant name all of them on saturn because all i can remember is favorites :P, but the only ones that never made it to dreamcast that where big where panzer dragon, burning rangers, shining force 3? forgot name, and nights.
dreamcast took over saturn man.. only game i can say its best on saturn is dragon force since its my favorite strategy game and i think there were only like 2 strategy game for DC.Panzer_Zwei
Ikaruga was a huge dissapointment to Radiant Silvergun. They threw away the deepest system in a SHMUP to date even to this day to a gimmicky Silhouette Mirage fan-service feature with a highly stiff structure. Grandia was the Final Fantasy VII killer of the time, everybody said it was better than FFVII, even GS themselves. Grandia II was lucky if it got above 8.0 in most sites.
I'm not even gonna get into RPGs since the Dreamcast only got like 4 of them.
The Saturn made it in Japan while it flopped everywhere else. The Dreamcast flopped in Japan and it did well everwhere else, which really limited Japanese support it got compared to the Saturn.
Most of the Saturn games stayed in Japan, hence why it's understandable that most non-importers don't know about them, but the Saturn had a wider and more impressive library than the Dreamcast.
The Dreamcast really looked like it was gonna surpass the Saturn, and it could've had, everybody tought so, but it didn't lasted, and it just stands as it is.
The Attach rate was much higher in the Saturn and they made more money on the Saturn than with the Dreamcast. Try and explain how their big budget games flopped tremendously if they were according to you more popular than on the Saturn.
Shenmue was the most expensive game ever created with a cost of $70 million dollars and it was their biggest failure ever. SEGA lost more money on the Dreamcast than what they did with the Saturn and that's a fact. So I fail to see how it was the Dreamcast more successful.
Hell they had Segata Sashiro with the Saturn which was a craze in Japan.
I think it's pretty obvious it was a much popular system there.
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