What are these myths you ask?
There are 4 major lies have are being spread around about the game that need to be addressed and put to rest before others get mislead.
1. The videos of Crackdown 3 with no vehicle or character shadows are from early alpha builds!
2. The cloud destruction is the most advanced destruction in any game online and are there as promised in the final game!
3. Graphics don't matter if the game is fun, and Crackdown 3 is all fun and great gameplay!
4. Crackdown 3 developer didn't try to use Breath of The Wild's name to promote Crackdown 3 as xbox's Zelda.
*All new footage of Crackdown 3 are from the latest build after the embargo was lifted*
With this review of the CURRENT build we can confirm that:
1. The videos of Crackdown 3 going around that have NO VEHICLE OR CHARACTER SHADOWS is infact the latest build!
From what I've read this may only be an issue with the PC version of the game but it is infact the newest build and if you were a PC gamer planning to purchase this title be aware.
2. Destruction is confirmed to be DOWNGRADED!
0:50 mark:
DreamcastGuy - "They actually promised that a big part of the city would be destructible, this has been COMPLETELY removed from the final game and only puts in multiplayer!"
3:59 mark:
DreamcastGuy - "But what about the destruction? I mean this is what the original teaser trailer was about when they first revealed Crackdown 3.
Well it seems like this has been relegated to a single mode of multiplayer. But even still I hear that it is very VERY lack luster."
"I seen people referring to these multiplayer modes as, "ripping apart cardboard"
"I actually didn't like Red Faction Guerrilla that much but one thing it did really well is you could literally go up with a sledge hammer and disassemble an entire tower brick by brick, you could smash apart the rebar inside of a wall and watch it crumble apart...as you played the game you really felt like you were destroying Mars"
"You (MS) were acting like destruction and tearing the city apart was going to be the apeal, AND YOU REMOVED IT!"
Crackdown 3 destruction CONFIRMED to be inferior to Red Faction Guerrilla PS3 and Xbox360 2009
3. Crackdown 3 is fun and has great gameplay?
3:10 mark:
DreamcastGuy - "I've been trying to read a bunch of the early previews, the people who already have hands on to see what they think of it.
I wanted to read people's raw impressions of it, and it seems like, unfortunately, THE GAMEPLAY IS AS BAD AS THE GRAPHICS ARE!"
DreamcastGuy - "In multiplayer, everything is based on a lock on system for some awful reason where you literally just STICK to a target fire all your bullets and it's unavoidable!. "
4. Crackdown 3 devs didn't try to use Breath of the Wild's name to promote Crackdown 3 as Xbox's Zelda?
6:45 mark
DreamcastGuy - "A developer of Crackdown 3 actually said the words, "We were really excited when Breath of The Wild came out because we knew that we could make a game like that. That Crackdown 3 would basically be our ZELDA!"
Refer to this thread for poster trying to lie and cover this fact.
A bunch of toxic posters arguing tooth and nail trying to deny this fact and attacking me for comments the Crackdown 3 devs made are now exposed.
There you go! The 4 major lies being spread about Crackdown 3 and are now debunked!
This is a public service announcement: Dont shoot the messenger corporate slaves.
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