@ipex: lol sorry dude 21:25 - 21:40 is FACT
You can't spin video evidence shown in game.
It also SHOWS what was originally promised from 2014, you're sounding like a lunatic here, just accept your L and move on MS employee.
You can't damage control this!
My god you have issues.
The destruction isn't "pre-rendered" (the guy isn't even using that word correctly) and it is 100% realtime. Those are geometric break points, yes it's not as advanced as its conceptual showing in 2015 but it still functions under the same physical principles. The company who was developing that destruction model were purchased by Epic.
To add to this it's still using cloud computing via Azure to handle the mathematical load created by large scale physics calculations as a result of the destruction model. Thst has not changed, you're peddling nonsense trying to expose some lie where there is none.
You need to dial back the fanboy vitriol.
Sorry dood, you're the one who is talking like a fanboy in total damage control mode.
There is no defending this.
I'm amazed you're still sitting here trying to perpetuate this lie when video proof has debunked all of the Crackdown 3 propaganda and exposed people like you who were desperately trying to lie to people with misinformation.
Everything you're claiming in the bold part was REMOVED! The video proves NONE of that exists as was advertised by MS and Crackdown 3 developers.
And yes was "pre-rendered" can be acceptable in this case because they ALREADY rendered the chunks to be broken off BEFORE any damage was casued, so saying PRE-RENDERED is acceptable!
You also contradict yourself by admitting that the destruction has pre-calculated breaking points.
"Those are geometric break points, yes"
THAT MEANS there are 0 calculations being done to process the actual destruction genius!
Cloud Power!
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