i can't decide which handheld to get the DSi XL or the PSP GO.. the reason i cant choose is because each system has games that i want so bad!
DSi Xl has Pokemon HeartGold, Kingdom Hearts 358/2, Mario & Luigi Bowsers inside story, Shin Megami Tensai Devil Survivor, and the professor layton games.
PSP Go has Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Pangya Fantasy Golf, Lunar Silver star harmony, Dead or alove paradise, and by far for me the most compelling game that leads me towards the PSP Go is Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep i just saw the trailer and i was blown away see trailer here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqtqvrOqZKk&feature=fvw
I only wanna buy one of these systems since i feel it would be a waste of money to buy both since i dont have that much free time where i can play all the games of two handheld consoles. My time at home is spent mostly on my mac and xbox 360.. but i often have to go to the hospitol and i wanted a handheld system to bring with me... and something to play on the way to school or at airports.. i can't choose between the two systems... can anyone offer their opinion about which system i should get? Also price doesnt matter... my dads gonna buy me one of these so saying the DS is cheaper wont help me haha. I'm looking for content, features, and which one in general is just more bang for your buck, which one has more promising game and stuff like that.. so if anyone can offer me any help please do so!.. also idk if this is in the right section? sorry if its not
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