I played the demo and didn't even finish that because it was so bad
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Same here, it's definitely worth it for $5, hell, most games are, it's pretty fun, and for that price that's all I ask of a game.*twiddles thumbs*
I didn't thnk it was the atrocity it was portrayed as.. I had fun..
I mean, yes there was some dramatics with the girls wimpering but put it into a perspective, they're being r@p3d by aliens and they may get killed grusomely by them. I would very much expect pleas of quick death and help from the polygon girls. I will admit it is quite disgusting but it worked for the situation that was in. Also, there is a lot worse things out there that are quite disgusting. Take Pyramid Head and "that" scene in Silent Hill 2. The hive level is like that, just a little more (oddly enough) censcord, imo.
When you're at the point of comparing Duke Nukem to Silent Hill, you know something's wrong.
I thought Duke was supposed to be goofy and referential, not dark and haunting.
I mean, yes there was some dramatics with the girls wimpering but put it into a perspective, they're being r@p3d by aliens and they may get killed grusomely by them. I would very much expect pleas of quick death and help from the polygon girls. I will admit it is quite disgusting but it worked for the situation that was in. Also, there is a lot worse things out there that are quite disgusting. Take Pyramid Head and "that" scene in Silent Hill 2. The hive level is like that, just a little more (oddly enough) censcord, imo.
When you're at the point of comparing Duke Nukem to Silent Hill, you know something's wrong.
With the game or with me? :?
EDIT: Oh, well...what's wrong with a little of both?
EDIT: Oh, well...what's wrong with a little of both?Goyoshi12From what I saw of that level, they treat what's happening with about the same level of seriousness as the part where Duke throws sh*t in the bathroom, which is sort of disturbing.
This is system wars so you need to take a majority of what people say on here and just assume that they are over-exaggerating by many times. All i'm getting from this thread is "It wasn't great, but its fun for a bit for $5". If I had a credit card (or a pre-paid Steam card :x Valve you need to get on that!) I would get it and I would enjoy it.
Don't think of it was spending $5 to play a crappy game. Think of it as spending $5 to witness the biggest flop of 2011.
I honestly don't think the game is as bad as people make it out to be. I think that people should just drop their expectations (and standards) just a tad and make an exception with Duke Nukem Forever considering the game had an extremely long and troubled development cycle (15 years!). Never in the history of video games has this happened an I doubt it ever will again.
I applaud Randy and the guys at Gearbox for having the balls to pick up and finish the game and release it to the public. If anything people should be supporting this game as Gearbox now owns the IP for Duke Nukem and can now start making some really great Duke Nukem games.
[QUOTE="Goyoshi12"]EDIT: Oh, well...what's wrong with a little of both?Cherokee_JackFrom what I saw of that level, they treat what's happening with about the same level of seriousness as the part where Duke throws sh*t in the bathroom, which is sort of disturbing.
Hmmm, I guess if that's how YOU saw it. I saw it quite differently, I saw it as the develoeprs just @#$%ing around with Duke and having fun. I mean, who DOESN'T have fun with throwing $#!+ around? I, for one, LOVE doing it in other games like in Half-Life 2 for example where I can just throw things at such GREAT power and see how it affects the world and such. It's a guilty pleasure, really, I don't spend like seven hundred hours of my life devoted to that, I just do it from time to time just because I can and it's fun to see what happens if at all anything. Same thing here with the $#!+. $#!+ing up the place and making Duke use those items like a drinking fountain covered in $#!+ and having him drink from it, yeah I'm just @#$%ing with my character here and I love doing it. :P
As for the seriousness, well, I don't think I saw it as that. I thought they made the goofy things like the $#!+, the intentional bad jokes, and other such nonsenscical things just goofy and intended for us to not take it seriously, while situations like the Hive level they added in a depth of seriousness just to curve the pacing. It ain't all $#!+s and giggles in Duke Nukem's World. There is some crazy and serious $#!+ going down. That's just me again, if you didn't like the game that is OK. I play DNF, you play whatever the hell you want to play. That is A-OK for me. :)
I honestly don't think the game is as bad as people make it out to be. I think that people should just drop their expectations (and standards) just a tad and make an exception with Duke Nukem Forever considering the game had an extremely long and troubled development cycle (15 years!). Never in the history of video games has this happened an I doubt it ever will again.
I applaud Randy and the guys at Gearbox for having the balls to pick up and finish the game and release it to the public. If anything people should be supporting this game as Gearbox now owns the IP for Duke Nukem and can now start making some really great Duke Nukem games.
Now that the next Duke won't take so long, we may finally have a modern kick ass Duke. But for now, Forever is just pitful
$5 isn't so bad. I could probably have some fun with it at that price, especially since I can still get enjoyment out of older 90's games, and DNF is apparently like that.
From what I saw of that level, they treat what's happening with about the same level of seriousness as the part where Duke throws sh*t in the bathroom, which is sort of disturbing.[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"][QUOTE="Goyoshi12"]EDIT: Oh, well...what's wrong with a little of both?Goyoshi12
Hmmm, I guess if that's how YOU saw it. I saw it quite differently, I saw it as the develoeprs just @#$%ing around with Duke and having fun. I mean, who DOESN'T have fun with throwing $#!+ around? I, for one, LOVE doing it in other games like in Half-Life 2 for example where I can just throw things at such GREAT power and see how it affects the world and such. It's a guilty pleasure, really, I don't spend like seven hundred hours of my life devoted to that, I just do it from time to time just because I can and it's fun to see what happens if at all anything. Same thing here with the $#!+. $#!+ing up the place and making Duke use those items like a drinking fountain covered in $#!+ and having him drink from it, yeah I'm just @#$%ing with my character here and I love doing it. :P
As for the seriousness, well, I don't think I saw it as that. I thought they made the goofy things like the $#!+, the intentional bad jokes, and other such nonsenscical things just goofy and intended for us to not take it seriously, while situations like the Hive level they added in a depth of seriousness just to curve the pacing. It ain't all $#!+s and giggles in Duke Nukem's World. There is some crazy and serious $#!+ going down. That's just me again, if you didn't like the game that is OK. I play DNF, you play whatever the hell you want to play. That is A-OK for me. :)
I love throwing s**t around too, but in duke nukem forever you do it literally. Like there are pieces of **** in the bathroom that you can pick up. It's fairly disturbing.
duke nukem forever my most played fps in 2011.
I bought killzone3/crysis 2 and i play duke nukem forever more i didnt buy battlefield 3 because beta sucked and same **** everyyear same with mw3 dumbass army games.
[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"] From what I saw of that level, they treat what's happening with about the same level of seriousness as the part where Duke throws sh*t in the bathroom, which is sort of disturbing.Flavorysoup
Hmmm, I guess if that's how YOU saw it. I saw it quite differently, I saw it as the develoeprs just @#$%ing around with Duke and having fun. I mean, who DOESN'T have fun with throwing $#!+ around? I, for one, LOVE doing it in other games like in Half-Life 2 for example where I can just throw things at such GREAT power and see how it affects the world and such. It's a guilty pleasure, really, I don't spend like seven hundred hours of my life devoted to that, I just do it from time to time just because I can and it's fun to see what happens if at all anything. Same thing here with the $#!+. $#!+ing up the place and making Duke use those items like a drinking fountain covered in $#!+ and having him drink from it, yeah I'm just @#$%ing with my character here and I love doing it. :P
As for the seriousness, well, I don't think I saw it as that. I thought they made the goofy things like the $#!+, the intentional bad jokes, and other such nonsenscical things just goofy and intended for us to not take it seriously, while situations like the Hive level they added in a depth of seriousness just to curve the pacing. It ain't all $#!+s and giggles in Duke Nukem's World. There is some crazy and serious $#!+ going down. That's just me again, if you didn't like the game that is OK. I play DNF, you play whatever the hell you want to play. That is A-OK for me. :)
I love throwing s**t around too, but in duke nukem forever you do it literally. Like there are pieces of **** in the bathroom that you can pick up. It's fairly disturbing.
Not really...I mean, which is more disturbing? Throwing literal $#!+ around or peeing on people that you set on fire while killing others around you with a gun that uses a "cat silencer". Heck how about we use something from the same year? Which one is more disturbing, throwing real $#!+ around in a confined space or knowing that the developers of Saints Row the Third actually studied and tested the "physics" of like a three foot d!|do.
C'mon, help Duke out, hes been in a coma for 12 years and going through rehab. I'm going to buy it because...
-I like Duke's parody humour,
-2D Duke was one of my first games...nostalgia
-Duke Forever is a part of history,
-Gearbox picked up the Duke IP for more than just Duke Forever, So its all the better if we support them now
-Looks good for a few cheap laughs, like a B movie
-Its like 10 dollars... That alone isn't really real money.
C'mon... ... C'mon.
C'mon, help Duke out, hes been in a coma for 12 years and going through rehab. I'm going to buy it because...
-I like Duke's parody humour,
-2D Duke was one of my first games...nostalgia
-Duke Forever is a part of history,
-Gearbox picked up the Duke IP for more than just Duke Forever, So its all the better if we support them now
-Looks good for a few cheap laughs, like a B movie
-Its like 10 dollars... That alone isn't really real money.
... C'mon.
I would've gotten it for 5, but over here in NZ it's 12.5. Quite steep
C'mon, help Duke out, hes been in a coma for 12 years and going through rehab. I'm going to buy it because...
-I like Duke's parody humour,
-2D Duke was one of my first games...nostalgia
-Duke Forever is a part of history,
-Gearbox picked up the Duke IP for more than just Duke Forever, So its all the better if we support them now
-Looks good for a few cheap laughs, like a B movie
-Its like 10 dollars... That alone isn't really real money.
... C'mon.
Sorry Fluttershy, I won't even do it for you. Oh, and if you want parody humor, buy Bulletstorm. Trust me, it's money well spent. I would much rather throw DNF in the trash and give Gearbox another chance to make a proper sequel.
If I got the game for free, I would still feel ripped off.hiphops_savior
coming from someone who thinks they listen to hiphop because they listen to jay-z shouldnt be taken seriously.
proof games are casual now
21 minutes of resident evil racoon city.
follow the icon on screen push button on wall rinse repeat some real brains needed to play that.
I like how the dude get's stuck because the game has no jump dumbass developer.
peeople are overreacting. I bought it for 20 and didint feel rip offed at all. I had a fun time with it.
I spent 50 bucks on it for pre-order. I am angry. lolDragonfireXZ95
Disadvantage of Steam sales.
I bought Red Orchestra 2 for $40! Only for it to be slashed to 20 only a month after.
Same with PayDay the Heist.
[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]I spent 50 bucks on it for pre-order. I am angry. lolOB-47
Disadvantage of Steam sales.
I bought Red Orchestra 2 for $40! Only for it to be slashed to 20 only a month after.
Same with PayDay the Heist.
I got Red Orchestra 2 for 26 dollars on release, so I didn't get so screwed over with that one. lol Greenmangaming. :)[QUOTE="wewantdoom4now"]
its better than any casual call of duty or halo game.
I have no love for either of those games, but even I can tell they are vastly superior to Duke Nukem.
You must not know **** about gaming how are they vastly superior? When the core gameplay is more casual?
I'd rather throw 5 dollars into the wind just to see where it lands, then see who picks it up. At least that wouldn't waste my bandwith and hard drive space.
unlike call of duty gearbox released a new single player expansion and some new multiplayer maps.
plus they released a map pack before that now the game has like 18 multiplayer maps.
So I'm up to ''vegas in ruin'', and I'm actually enjoying it more than I thought.
Dukes funny, The Soldiers are funny (they're like Frats/Footy jocks), Girls are kinda...gender funny I guess, I mean the whole game is a male power fantasy, I love the Shotgun design too- Pistol foregrip and stocklessness is a boss look, taking down those berserk pig cops with it is very satisfying.
Gameplay wise... It is not bad, nothing stand out so far but its got a linear Half-life esk pacing to it; as in combat-doodad puzzle-break-combat-boss-break ect. Not bad, its definately coped too much flak I think.
Graphics are decent, Runs flawless on my laptop and a few of the vistas are good, reminds me of Doom 3. definatly room for improvement there.
Overall.... C'mon Guys... C'mon.
The demo completely turned me off the game...horrible horrible piece of crap.It's *not* worth your time. Just NO. I mean it.
I have no clue how could people actually buy it full price. The demo was one of the most obscene pieces of trash I have ever played. In fact I got so depressed that I went back and started Duke Nukem 3D again.
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