[QUOTE="the-very-best"] E3 should be really interesting.
I think Sony will have a good showing and I'm still predicting KZ will be the most talked about game after E3. I think Nintendo has a lot to prove with their Wii, but they're doing quite well with the DS (a new Advance Wars and NSMB2 should be announced).
MS has to make sure their Christmas season goes well, and it should/will.
Do you think a demo of Killzone 2 will be available at this year's E3? If there isn't one available, then there will be plenty of threads debating about whether or not the video was CGi, Real-time, or in-game. There was also that boast that the real Killzone 2 will look even better than the CGi video they made.
I say that Halo 3 will be the biggest game at this year's E3 because it's being released soon and there are too many fans to count unless...
Chief! What the hell are you doing!?
Sir, finishing this fight *MC jumps out of a cardboard box next to Snake* SHOWTIME!
1/10000000000 chances that that's going to happen.
That would be the most shocking, and unlikely, but somehow most amazing revelation of all time!
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