Don't be a fanboy, what games that will be announced from E3, from other platforms that u are interested in hearing from?
PC: Crysis, Hellgate, Warhammer Online, Star Craft 2
360: Halo 3, Lost Oydessey, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, PGR 4, Ace Combat 6, Ninja Gaiden 2
PS3: MGS 4, Heavenly Sword...Uhhh
Wii: SSBB, Metroid Prime 3, Resident Evil: UC, Soul Caliber Legends, Dragon Quest Swords, Super Marip Galaxy
Handheld: Don't give a crap
Multiplatforms: RE 5, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Orange Box, Army of Two, Age of Conan, UT3, Quake Wars, Condemned 2, Dark Sector, DMC 4, Guitar Hero 3, Kane & Lynch, Madden 08, Mercenaries 2, Timeshift
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