Not really, you spinned the subject to talk about stocks, when I mentioned revenue. If anything you're a HATER that got self-powned and doesn't leave my thread admiting shame.
You've got nothing but an IGN article, I given you facts and even answered your replies. All you can do is accuse me of things I haven't said or even insinuated.
Yeah you've lost this debate, better luck next time.
Actually you lost it because you still haven't given me a link where EA's annual revenues are higher than 2018, hence the whole point of this thread.
Better luck next time, bring a more educated argument or get self-owned again.
I did ask you to provide that information in my second reply to you but you chose to ignore it, so I found it myself. Where do you think I got the Net profit figures from? I'm not one to spout figures I made up on the spot.
Seeing as your too lazy or incapable of compiling a Google search here's EA's Annual income for 2018.
By the way in case you're struggling with the numbers, $1.16 Billion profit from $4.3 Billion Revenue (2016 Net profit) is greater than $1.04 Billion net profit from $5.1 Billion revenue. i.e. 26% profit margin is greater than 20% profit margin.
Now wipe those tears and have a cup of Tea.
I didn't ask for income, I said revenue. Again, cry some more and stop getting self-owend. First you switch to stocks, then income. Just admit you lost and move on.
So you say Revenue matter? So it never mattered to MS when they make higher revenue than Sony?
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