you wish.. ps3 gamers are second only to pc gamers in the foreveralone-o-meter which means at best you got to 2nd base with some chick back in high school.... or thats indeed off your facebook cause you fake who you are in order to abduct women.. (perv)[QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]
Lol you found my facebook pic, that's me. That's what happens when I tell girls how many platinum trophies I have.
You know what EA? Quit blaming someone else for your problems, what the hell did Steam ever do to you? You should follow Steams example instead, stop fvcking over the consumer so much. Stop all this stupid online pass crap and day 1 DLC.
Mabey the reason no one likes Origions is because no one likes you EA, and they are no longer going to put up with your garbage.
The only people who are 'forever alone" are people who choose to be. Mostly that is due to a lack of confidence in themselves and not meeting people more often, however that can be changed. I hook people up all the time, I just help them understan things better.
And no, we PS3 owners are top dogs in the chick world. But I can't show you my real facebook, it would make you cry with jelly and your head explode. Besides we PS3 guys don't have facebooks, sure we have ones but those arn't the real ones, our real ones are only at top secret Sony social networking sites.
We PS3 guys don't associate with the unworthy.
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